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Unit 1. Fundamentals of Distance Education
Distance education is proposed in an open way and is necessarily linked to self-preparation, the development of creative teaching-learning methods and tries to take advantage of technological development, only insofar as it constitutes the basis, of the scenario for the development of educational processes.
Sub topics
1.1. Introduction to project management in education
1.2. Fundamentals of Distance Education
1.3. Introduction to ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the
1.4. Training of trainers
1.5. Planning, development and evaluation in Training
1.6. Quality in training processes
Unit 6. Operational processes II: educational, technological, financial and
“Financial Management is the activity carried out in an organization and which is responsible for planning, organizing, directing, controlling, monitoring and coordinating all the management of financial resources in order to generate greater benefits and / or results. The objective is to make the organization work effectively, support better financial decision making and generate investment opportunities for the organization "
Sub topics
6.1. Fundamentals and features
6.2. Teaching management processes through ICT
6.3. Economic management of e-learning institutions or departments
6.4. Economic management of e-learning projects
Unit 2. E-learning systems to support training
It should be noted that the e-learning system contributes to improving interactivity and collaboration between those who learn, between them and those who teach. Likewise, it allows the personalization of learning programs, to the particular characteristics of each student, as well as self-evaluation..
Sub topics
2.1. Accreditation of online courses, programs and technologies.
2.2. Structuring and design of online training and curricular plans
2.3. Preparation of training content.
2.4. Management of an e-learning campus
2.5. Change management
2.6. Management processes of an e-learning campus
2.7. Analyzes of systems TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning), LMS (Learning
Management System)
2.8. Elaboration of the e-Learning Project
Unit 4. Direction of training with e-learning
Training in management and management of e-learning projects is key to learning to take into account the factors that condition the environment in the organization of the management of organizational change in the direction of training proposals, and also the management processes strategy and leadership, design and operational direction in an e-learning project.
Sub topics
4.1. Fundamentals and features
4.2. Management of an e-learning department
4.3. Academic management of e-learning projects
4.4. Direction of the administration and management processes of technological environments and participants in an e-learning project
. Unit 5. Operational processes I: program production management,
marketing and recruitment
Due to the interdisciplinary nature of marketing, as well as the different size and activity of companies, a standard program for the implementation of the marketing plan cannot be provided; since the production conditions that give it validity are varied and respond, in general, to different needs and cultures of the company.
Sub topics
5.1. Fundamentals and features
5.2. Managing the production of an e-learning program
5.3. Management of the dissemination and marketing of an e-learning program
5.4. E-learning course administration
Unit 3. Application of a TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) With Supported LMS (learning Management System) for the supported process educational.
What is educational software? It is a pedagogical medium whose main objective is to facilitate the process of both teaching and learning. It is a computer program that, through a digital platform, collaborates with the process, facilitating the acquisition of knowledge.
Sub topics
3.1. Creation of a TEL campus (CTEL)
3.2. Services for the management of the organizational architecture of the CTEL
3.3. CMS (Content Management System) services: editing and managing documents and
training content
3.4. Training evaluation services
3.5. Synchronous and asynchronous communication services. Communication flows
implicit or explicit.
3.6. Other follow-up services (non-academic).
3.7. Statistics on use and control of personalized activity
3.8. Service LMS (Learning Management System): management
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