Once the form is accepted and the case is opened, we proceed to stage 2.
Google Form
- Have you noticed changes in the student’s grades?
- Does the student appear uninterested in or unmotivated by his or her schoolwork?
- Does the student have trouble paying attention in class?
- When given an independent assignment, does the student have trouble completing the work?
- Does the student’s behavior (e.g., a tendency to avoid tasks or get easily frustrated) interfere with his or her class performance?
- Does the student appear to have difficulty understanding assignments and tasks?
- Has the student had any significant life events in the past year that might interfere with his or her school performance?
- Do parents note similar concerns at home?
- Does the student have a history of academic or social problems?
Paul Rosevere 🏁
School Approach To Identifying and Responding to Students Requiring Differentiation.
Official School Approach
(Vanderbilt University, 2021)
Unusual behavior is noticed in the classroom
Fill in school Google form for warning behaviors.
Unofficial School Approach
Unusual behavior is noticed. ⚠
Interview student
Determine if the issue if isolated to your subject or extends to other subjects.
If other subjects are affected, inform other subject teachers and devise a uniform strategy.
Stage 2: Classroom evidence is gathered and submitted to committee.
Stage 3: Information Sharing and team discussion.
Stage 4: Discussion of possible strategies.
Stage 5: Implementation and monitoring of strategies
Stage 6: Evaluation and decision making
Sources of information
● Family members contact logs
● Other classroom teachers
● Student portfolios or work samples
● Classroom observations ASD Ob
● Cumulative school records
● Attendance records
● Formal assessments
Team meets and reviews information collected to date. Begins discussing ideas and interventions, including type and frequency, that may help students. (Parents are involved.)
Brainstorm strategies likely to meet the needs of the student. One or more strategies may be selected for each area of concern.
For monitoring student behavior, teachers can use checklists or a behavior recording sheet.
Differentiation Strategies
Tiered assessment
Examples of tiering link 1
Adjusted questions / sentence starters / vocabulary aids / adjusted reading (Lexile level)
Adjusted Lexile reading: Newsela
Goal setting and reflection journaling
Differentiated formative assessment design & differentiated rubrics
Employ differentiation strategies.
Work Cited
KSS. (2010, September). Pre-referral process. Internal School Document
Vanderbilt University. (2021). The Pre-Referral Process. Iris Center. https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/preref/cresource/#content
Representational Differentiation:
subtitles / closed-captioning / audio read aloud functions