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Grade R Cycle 2
The Universe, Planets, Moon, Stars, Integration …
Grade R Cycle 2
The Universe, Planets, Moon, Stars
English Home Language:
Listening and speaking:
- Pasting and cutting 5 - 6 pictures in correct sequence and tell the story according to the pictures.
- Tell stories in a small group context.
- Straight questions, reasoning questions, own-opinion questions and substantiate answers.
- Remember 4 units (words/sounds) in a series
Read the story Cheepy chick is looking for his mommy to the learners. Show pictures of different birds when the chick is mentioned so that the learners know exactly what you are talking about. Where you see the little hand in the story, give the learners the opportunity to predict what will happen next in the story.
Ask Questions about the story:
- Which bird couldn't find his mommy?
- Do you think it was right for the mommy not to be there when he hatched? Why do you say so?
- How did Ms. Yellow Finch know the chick only a baby?
- Do you think she could have helped the baby chick?
- How do you think she could have helped him?
(Ask learners to justify their answers throughout)
- EG 13: Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g. and, but, or)
- PW 2 - Associate the long and short sounds with the common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.
Joining words: and, but and or.
- The teacher will read sentences and demonstrate how we will use joining words to join two short sentences.
Complete the practical activity
Step 1: Cut out the words from the back of your ISN.
Step 2: Read the short sentences with your teacher.
Step 3: Paste the correct words to join the sentences.
Phonological Awareness:
- Revision of all T3 sounds written and read: d, g, o, u, l, f, b, j, y, z, w (Add /v/ and /q/)
- Remembering and repeating 4 words/sounds/pictures in a series.
- Identify the sound in the middle of a 3-letter word.
Introduction to the letter sound /q/.
Activity: The learner must draw specific pictures beginning with /q/. The learner must also trace the letter sound /q/.
Learners weave paper to make a 'quilt'
Learners make a vase for their paper flowers
Learners draw a big circle on the pavement with chalk and stand in their circle. The teacher will call out sounds as well as something that starts with that sound. The learners have to mime that object. (For example, b-bear learners show claws and look dangerous, s-sun learners stand straight and shine like the sun or make a circle with their arms)
Emergent Writing:
- Writing letters d, g, o, u, l, f, b, j, y, z, w (Add /v/ & /q/)
- Eye-hand coordination crossing the midline.
- Identify and name basic 3 letter words
- Trace short sentences/phrases
The learner must form the upper and lower case letters using concrete objects. The learner will be taught a new letter formation rhyme.
Fine motor control: Learners cut diagonal strips and then use it to make a flower for their vase craft
Emergent Reading:
- Reading words using name cards/sight words
- Make basic sentences using 3 letter words. (orally)
- Match pictures with selected words
Number, Operations and Relationships:
- Concept 1: Addition up to 15
- Number recognition: (Numbers 0 - 17)
- Counting forward and backwards from 17.
- Practice the concept of before/between/after up till 17.
- Addition/Subtraction up till 15 using concrete object.
Galaxy numbers: Learners use chalk on black paper and write numbers 0 - 15. Trace the number with their fingers smudging the chalk so it looks like a galaxy.
Learners bend pipe cleaners into circles and then the teacher will call out a number and the learners must count and make a chain of that number of circles.
Learners use concrete items (sugar beans) to work out the addition sums to 15.
Learners complete the ISN activity.
Patterns, Functions and Algebra:
- Math/STEAM integration: Investigate some concepts of quantity through identifying and comparing sets with more, fewer, or the same number of objects QR 2
Learners use beads or seeds and make groups according to the teachers instructions. They must discuss which groups have more, fewer or the same.
Learners thread pasta onto a lace and then paint it according to a pattern etc. green, orange, yellow, green, orange, yellow)
Let learners count out 8 big balls and 8 small balls. Which is more: the big balls or the small balls? Lead then to understand that the 8 big balls is the same as 8 small balls. Repeat the activity with match stick, beads and bottle tops.
Space and Shape:
Learners are now familiar with the following:
- in front/in the middle/in between/last/behind/before/after
- in/out; inside/outside; front/back; open/close
- near/nearer/nearest; close/closer/closest
- up/on/on top/on top of
Learners place objects (glue or pencil) in front/in the middle/in between/last/behind/before/after, up/on/on top/on top of
Complete ISN activity where they have to paste objects in the correct positions according to the teachers instructions.
- Measuring tools (MR 4) - Different measuring tools: What do we use to measure length/weight? Etc.
- Why do we need to measure things?
- What do we measure in our everyday life?
Learners look at the different measuring tools the teacher has brought for you to see (bathroom scale, measuring tape, kitchen scale etc.)
- What does the sky have to do with weather?
What do we see in the sky?
Colour and clouds
Rotation of Earth around the sun and how it affects weather and seasons
- Earth’s rotation and day and night
- Earth’s rotation is 24 hours around the sun
- When it is light on one side of the earth it is dark on the other
- Earth’s tilt and the seasons
- Hot, cold, sunny, rainy and windy days.
- What do we do and wear on these days?"
- Outside development: Balancing on each leg for 20 seconds, Hopping between hoops and running around the hoops.
The Arts:
Visual Arts:
- Learners make their own launching rocket out of a straw and paper. They will developing their colouring and cutting skills with this activity.
Performing Arts
- Learners pretend to be astronauts on the moon (they must describe what they see and walk like they are on the moon)
- Learners use the Mash Cams to turn themselves into an astronaut.
- Typing skills: Make use of cardboard and paste a printed keyboard on the cardboard, give each learner one to practice typing skills on.
Give the learners Initial sounds, or 3 letter words for the learners to "type".
- ICT 8: Begin to develop typing skills, speed, and accuracy to enable independent access to a computer.
- ICT 9: Begin to develop typing skills, speed, using a range of games and programs using correct finger positioning on the keyboard
The Science:
- Earth’s rotation and day and night – very basic introduction. (Torch and globe experiment) Learners discover how the earth rotates and we get day and night by using their planet earth that they made and a torch.
Value Concept: Respect (Ms. Mbokane)
- Theme: Simon Says: Who are you?
Objectives: Learners will explore their similarities and differences.
Activity: Explain to the learners that they will play a version of Simon Says in which only some learners will respond to each command. Tell learners that they must watch carefully as they play the game because at the end, each learner must tell one new thing they learned about a classmate. Lead a game of Simon Says. Provide such directions as,
- Simon says "Everyone with brown eyes, stand up."
- Simon says "Everyone who has a dog as a pet, put your right hand on your head."
- Simon says "Everyone whose favorite sport is soccer, stand on one foot."
- Simon says "Everyone who speaks more than one language, jump up and down."
At the end of the game, have students sit in a circle. Ask each student to name one way in which he or she and another student are alike. The trait they share must be something they didn't know before playing the game. Students might say, for example, "I didn't know that Katie spoke Venda at home " or "I didn't know that Micah was left-handed."
Crux of weekly theme: Further emphasizing that all learners are special and that their differences or similarities should be respected.
Reading with Ms Ramahada
- Focus Story: Cheepy chick is looking for his mommy. (Yellow book)
Integration -English and mathematics: Number song and rhymes. -English and mathematics (measurement) -English and PSWD: Retelling a story. -English and Mathematics :Number formation. -English and PSWD: Take turns to speak and listen without interruption
-English and mathematics: numbers, songs and Rhymes -English and mathematics - data handling English and PSWD : retelling of a story