Arc 3: After finding the ancient ruins they realize that they require an emerald gem to open a gateway into a new world, but it was unfortunately broken into three pieces. They all split up; Abner and Liam on one team, Sharron and Vienna on the other team, while Aiden was by himself. Abner and Liam quickly find their emerald gem piece, Sharron and Vienna found there's in a very small crack that took them a while to find. Aiden then found his 15 minutes later inside a bloody dead pile of people that were massacred (that's what it looked liek at least.) They met up at the center of the ruins where Aiden molded the emerald pieces together with flames and they stepped inside the gateway., but before that, Sharron decided to not go any further and decided to just go back to the dojo as a spy. The four; Aiden, Abner, Liam and Vienna stepped inside the gateway to find a world of nature, peace and magical creatures.