Events of the Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
The Gettysburg Address
The End of the War
September 22, 1862 by Abraham Lincoln
Declared that any enslaved people in Confederate (Southern) states were now free
Also declared that any escaped slaves who entered the Union were free
This demonstrated that the abolition of slavery was very important union goal
Set the foundation for the 13th amendment which outlawed slavery
This did nothing to free slaves owned by the Union and its settlers
This was because Lincoln saw them as an integral part of the North economy as well, because there were less people to do the jobs to supply the war
This also impacted the South's economy, as they relied heavily on slave labour, and lots of the slaves escaped North as they would be free
This then caused a lot of them to join the war effort and fight for the Union
It also had no legal effect in the South, as they had seceded from the Union states, but it was an influential ideological weapon which caused slaves to leave their jobs
Was delivered in July of 1863 by Abraham Lincoln after the battle of Gettysburg
The battle of Gettysburg was a famous Union victory
It was a very bloody battle, and the Union suffered more casualties of any other battle
It was considered a major turning point of the war, as the South's army was now retreated rather than trying to push offensives and take territory
It caused a large drop in the soldiers morale and will to fight, which led to Lincoln's address
The Gettysburg address was a short speech by Lincoln, in which he commemorated the fallen soldiers, and linked them to to continuing on of the Unions efforts to win the war
This led to the Union winning to war 2 years later
The civil war ended in 1865
It was caused by a surrender by Robert E. Lee, the Confederate General, at Appomattox
This led to a series of other confederate surrenders through the United States
Just days later, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by Jon Wilkes Booth, who was a southern sympathises
He was the first president to die in this manner
Booth was then later killed near Virginia as he fled