Introduction of the Pentateuch Ideas
Creation of the World
God alone is the Creator of the world. There is only ONE God, not many.
God created the world "perfect" and "good"
Humanity sinned and rebelled against God
God gave humans "free will" this free will allows for us to choose evil.
The book of Genesis sets the stage and provides the framework for the Bible as a whole.
God destroyed the earth by flood due to sin and widespread evil
This aligns with the theme in the Pentateuch that God is "Sovereign". He reigns over ALL the earth and heavens.
Main themes of the Pentateuch
- Sovereignty of God
- History
- Salvation
- Fallen condition of Humanity
Genesis introduces God, humanity, and the world
Ancient Ideology
The gods, Nut and Re. These gods are responsible for the cycles of morning and evening. The sun is created by these gods.
The belief that there are many gods over the heavens, earth, and the waters.
Biblical View
The earth was formed and is sustained by ONE true God.
Humans are God's creation, but we are also responsible for recreating and managing God's creation on earth
God dedicated a day to "rest" which is known as the Sabbath
The book of Genesis is a book about God's creation dwelling in His created world.
The book of Genesis sets the tone for the remainder of the Bible. It is the beginning of the story of how humanity relates to God after the fall of man.
Primeval Narratives
- God Makes Good
Patriarchal Narratives
- God cultivates blessings for His chosen people
- Man Sins
Man's purpose is given by God
Man's sin and the fall
God's chosen people in Israel that He would eventually send His Son to be born through this family line