Intro to the Bible & key themes
general structure
Old Testament - New Testament
holy book for all Christians
library of books
GK: biblia - library of books
written by multiple authors over long period of time
uses variety of literary genres - but 1 main overarching & coherent plot line
Purpose - to tell story of God's relationship with humanity
all Christian's believe Bible is inspired by God
level of inspiration assigns influence the more inspired the more authority it has
2 sections
opinions differ on level of inspiration - is it his written dictation or was it written by humans encountering him
a prime influence on western civilisation
New Testament (NT)
Old Testament (OT)
OT is holy scripture of Judaism
General content
39 books
27 book
66 books in Bible
written in Hebrew
written in Greek
in about C3rd BC the OT was translated into GREEK (from Hebrew) = the SEPTUAGINT (LXX [70 scholars who did the work] )
Bible was translated into LATIN = the VULGATE
by St. Jerome in C4th AD
when the Bible is translated in to A LANGUAGE A PERSON SPEAKS its called the VERNACULAR
as a Jew, Jesus would of known Hebrew & the OT, but everyday spoke Aramaic
1st 5 books of OT
the stories of how God's people develop, their priests, prophets & kings
not a fortune teller
Synoptic Gospels
= Good news
Apocalyptic is Greek word for revelation
traditionally believed to been written by Moses
= a person chosen by God to speak God's word to the people
split into Major & minor - not a refection of importance, just the length of their book
'SYN' (GK: together) + 'OPTIC' (GK: seen/viewed)
- Matthew, Mark & Luke
view the story of Jesus in a vary similar way
all gospels were based on earlier traditions, including sayings (logia) of Jesus
all competed by C1st AD
Romans - letter to the Christians in Romes
Corinthians - letter to the Christians in Corinth
its the revelation of things not yet known, a vison of the end times
General purpose
What's a testament?
very closely linked
together they tell the story of salvation history
Latin: salvare = to save
God's relationship with his people & the ways in which he tries to save them
= Covenant
= a solemn & binding promise (in Biblical terms between God & the people)
Covenant relationship
between God & his people
- Israelites
- Jews
- Hebrews
Salvation history
covenant relationship = God makes a promise to the people, in exchange for the person to fulfil certain commitments
king David
God has just flooded the world to cleanse the world. makes covenant with Noah saying that although humans will continue to be evil he will not destroy the earth again
God will give him large family lots of land, etc, in return Abraham should trust God, and train his family to do what is right & just - God is gong to bring his blessing to all families though this 1 family
Abrahams family grows into the tribe of Israel, God asks them to obey a set of laws, guidelines for living well as community in partnership with God & if they do he will bless them & become a people to represent him
asks David to work with him by leading Israel & obeying the laws & doing what is just, then God will one day 1 of David sons will come & extend gods kingdom of peace & blessing over all nations