Resurrection of Body (1 Corinthians 15)

What is resurrection?

Rising up or standing again


The state or act of rising or standing again

Corinthians denied the idea of resurrection becuase it seems impossible


Known for their wealth because of their strategic location

Second to longest letters or epistles of Paul

Problems: Divisions, food, sexual integrity, worship, and resurrection

They believed that God's grace permits them to do evil or sins

Foundation of everything church believes

It unifies, motivates integrity, empowers us to love, and gives us hope for victory over death

This was because of Jesus Christ

"Life is to live and is to die."


Belief that the physical body of human beings are natural evil

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"bodies are temple of the Holy Spirit...whom you receive from God, were brought with a price. There honor God with your bodies."

v.13 - "The body is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body."

bodies are members of Christ himself (v.15)

Context: Paul discussing the problem of sexual immorality

Paul's answer

Analogy of seed

Descriptions of physical and heavenly body

Model of physical and heavenly bodies

Last Adam

First Adam

Heavenly body

Physical body

Seed = Resurrection

Nature of seed


Death is natural end of life

Last step of receiving a glorified and resurrected body

Like the risen Christ