ancient civilization
arch: On page 24 The graphics show that they made massive platforms to represent stretching from earth to heaven. The ziggurat of Ur represent the moon god. Nanna
religion: In the text it said that the sumerians believed in many gods and goddesses. They believed the word floated on an ocean the contained their god. (steele)
location: On page 6 it said That the people of mesopotamia arose between the tigris and euphrates rivers. The land was surrounded by the fertile crescent, farming(steele)
art : The text shows that they made clay pottery. (steele)
writing: On page 12 the text says that people back then used clay spheres to document their store profit. The tool that they used was called stylus. (Steele)
ancient egypt
location:inthe text is says that egypts lived on the banks of the nile river or canals extended from it. When the blue nile and the white nile converging the north of khartoum in the sudan. (hart)
art: On page 54 flax provided linen for clothes for everyone in ancient egypt. Egyptians learned the art of dyeing their clothes in colored patterns. (hart)
Arch:On page 20 The first pyramid was as the burial place king Djoser in c. The king to climb to join the sun god in the sky. (hart)
writing:On page 34.A form of writing (script) called hieratic which was a fast-written version of hieroglyphs. Egyptian civilization also had to be able to write greek the language for their overlords.
religion: The egyptians worshiped hundreds of different gods and goddess. The pharaoh akhenaten saw the sun god as a disk with ray sending in human hands. (hart)
government: sumerian had city states. had the decadian. empire.(steele)
government: On page:10 The king was not only the most powerful and important man in egypt. He was still king of egypt 94 years later. (hart)
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indus vally
location :Around 5,000 years ago, a civilization developed along the Indus River alluvial plain (floodplain), in South Asia, due to the large amount of fertile land and proximity to a water source.
writing In the text it says: One of the most confusing aspects of this ancient civilization is that the writing cannot be deciphered. also 400 plus simbolis have been found in this location. Finally most simboils are located on pots.
architecture/technology in the text it says The people within the Indus Valley created well-planned cities. Specifically, the people during this time cared deeply about hygiene, and their cities resembled the importance of this idea.
religion:In the text it says"The religion of the ancient Aryans, known as Brahmanism, was polytheistic and heavily influenced the later development of Hinduism". Both religion have things in common. They had sacred writing called the Vedas.
government : In the text it says"For example, one Aryan influence on modern-day India was the development of the caste system." The caste was a group of people that are born and cannot change. The Aryans had 4 social classes which they called varnas.