Age related changes in Older Adults

Cardiovascular system

Less efficient myocardial muscle

Heart valves get more thick and rigid

Reduced cardiac output

Aorta becomes dilated :


Thyroid gland atrophies

Diminished adrenal function

ACTH secretion decreases

Insufficient release of insulin


Altered Circadian sleep-wake cycles

Phase advance common

Female reproductive system

Uterus and ovaries decrease in size

Fallopian tubes become shorter and straighter

Vaginal canal changes

Male reproductive system

Decreased capacity to retain fluids

Atrophy of the testes and reduction in testicular mass

Less live sperm in ejaculation fluid

Takes more time to achieve an erection


Decreases taste sensation

Saliva production decreases

Esophageal and stomach motility decreases

Decreased elasticity of the stomach

Higher pH in stomach


Reduced need for calories

  • Less lean body mass
  • Basal metabolic rate declines
  • decreased in activity level
  • slight ventricular hypertrophy
    • thickening of ventricle walls
  • Decreased contractile strength
  • Prolonged cardiac cycle
  • Can't meet demands of activity
  • Calcification
  • Elasticity reduced

Internal clock that regulates sleep and wake

  • Example lets your body know when it's time to sleep

Bedtime and wake time moves earlier than normal


  • Decline in testosterone levels
    • Reduced muscle mass
    • Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction

Unable to attain or maintain an erection

Hormonal changes

  • Vulva atrophies
  • Flattened labia
  • Loss of subcutaneous fat
  • Loss of hair
  • Reduced collagen and adipose tissue
  • Narrowing of canal
    • Less lubrication

Atrophy of tongue

  • Affects taste buds
  • Decreases taste sensation
  • Can decrease hunger

Makes swallowing difficult

  • Risk for aspiration
  • Risk for indigestion
    • Makes eating harder


Size and Weight of kidney decreases

Hypertrophy and thickening of bladder

  • Decreases ability to expand bladder
    • Storage capacity reduced
  • Emptying is more difficult

Glomerular filtration rate decreases

Decreased renal blood flow
and decreased numbers of functioning glomeruli

  • Affects ability to eliminate drugs
    • Slowed organ function

Decreased tubular function

Concentration of urine changes

Connection: Renal and Sleep

Nocturia: urinating during the night time which interrupts sleep and can cause falls from darkness



Nervous system


Lines and wrinkles

Increased fragility

Higher risk for tears, bruising, and pressure ulcers

Visible signs of aging process

Affect body image, reactions from others, socialization

Loss of nerve cell mass

  • Atrophy of brain
  • Atrophy of spinal cord
  • Decreased brain weight

Decline of number of nerve cells

  • Slow nerve conduction
  • Reaction time slower
    • Reflexes become weaker

Reduced secretions

  • Mucus in nasopharynx to be thicker
    • Chronic tickle in throat
    • Cough

Trachea stiffens

  • Cough reflexes reduces
    • Ability to cough less
    • Weakened gag reflex

Lungs (smaller)

  • Respiration and ventilation weaker
    • Decreased elastic recoil
    • Alveloi are less elastic

Connection: Respiratory and Skeletal

Loss of skeletal muscle strength in thorax and diaphrgam can contribute to kyphosis and barrell chest seen in older adults

Reduced vital capacity

Muscle fibers atrophy

  • Decrease in number
  • Fibrous tissue replaces muscle

Tendons shrink and harden

Decrease in tendon jerks

  • Less reactivity

Bone minerals and mass reduced

  • Brittleness in bones
  • Cause more serious fractures
  • Harder recovery for older adults