The character of Macbeth is very famous, thanks to the play of the same name by the famous English playwright, William Shakespeare. Although, Macbeth really existed, and he was a king of Scotland.Unlike his literary counterpart, Macbeth was by no means a tyrant and his 17-year reign was relatively peaceful. Macbeth is believed to have become Moarmer - that is, lord - of Moray after killing his predecessor, Gille Coemgain, whose widow he also married, Grouch: she is therefore the historical basis of the character of Lady Macbeth. Some saw Macbeth's presence in submission as a sign of his power, while others interpret it in the exact opposite sense, namely the influence of Malcolm II, who had extended his hegemony over Moray and other territories. When Malcolm II died, he was succeeded by his young nephew Duncan who was acclaimed high king of Alba, Duncan I survived the defeat, but the following year led the army against Moray, the domain of Macbeth, in what appears to be an expedition against Macbeth. With Duncan's death, Macbeth became king of Alba. Macbeth did not long survive the invasion of his kingdom.He was killed, or mortally wounded, by the son of Duncan I, the future King Malcolm III, on August 15, 1057, in the battle of Lumhanan.