LAZY: The people who set this situation up, don't want to compete with anyone, like the thousands of others who still have to compete for jobs and opportunities in their industry. They have an arrangement where they don't have to, they don't want to improve skills or develop new ones so they can grow out of these entry-level jobs & move into careers. They have found a nice place to stay, profit, and control others from the young and impressionable, to the truly eccentric outsiders to the seasoned professionals dependent upon them regularly, all the way up to the most powerful in the biz. The jobs they do are clerical, often inside an office, and something most people could do with just a GED or high school education (I know because I can do them). There are many very skilled people in the business, they get paid well enough to not resort to manipulation to pay their bills, they have responsibilities and a realistic attitude towards their lives and finances. They don't expect anyone to pay their way through anything and realize that their "career" is just that a career. They understand that their pursuits of going into the business will be hard, uncomfortable, and exhausting they will face the elements, live a life unlike most normal people and they will be responsible for life and death situations, the reward for their hard work will be a decent paycheck but that they will be ultimately responsible for their career & personal life. Everyone else in this biz has to make sacrifices, personal, familial, and professional sacrifices, except these individuals. The only effort these people really put into anything is creating drama to keep their jobs so they can look like they work so hard and sacrifice so much, they put a lot of effort into keeping their terrible jobs that pay badly and are not careers. Zero effort into themselves, their profession, their families or the own health.