Grade 4 Term 4
Reaching for the Moon

Learning CAPS Outcomes

Natural Science & ICT

Social Science



FAL Afrikaans and isi-Zulu

Visual Arts

English Home Language

Performing Arts

LS 1, LS 2, LS 3, LS 4, LS 5, LS 6, LS 7, LS 8, LS 9, LS 10, LS 11, LS 12, LS 13,
RM 1, RM 2, RM 3, RM 4, RM 5, RM 6, RM 7, RM 8, RM 9
RMC 1, RMC 2, RMC 4
RF 3, RF 4
HW 1, HW 2, HW 3
CW 2, CW 3,
WS 1, WS 2, WS 3, WS 4
MT 10.1, MT 16,

Creative writing:

  • Write a newspaper report
  • Friendly letter
  • Advertisement
  • Character's sketch

Paper 1: Oral (20 marks)
Unprepared speech / Listening Comprehension / Conversation / Interview

Content for Exam:
Paper 3: Creative Writing (30 marks) Transactional
Narrative / Descriptive

Paper 2: Language & Reading Comprehension (40marks)
Q1 Literary / non-literary text
Q2 Visual text
Q3 Summary
Q4 Language

Paper/Task 1:
Oral -
Roleplay / Interview / dialogue

Paper 3:
Transactional Writing
Narrative / description essay

Paper 2
Visual Text
Language Structures and Conventions

Paper 1

Content for Exam:
Paper 2 and 3

MP 1, MP 2, AS 1, AS 2, AS 3, MT 4, MT 6, MT 8, MT 9, MT 10, ML 3, ML 5, GP 1, GP 2, SO1, SO 2, DC 1, DC 2, DC 3

Elapsed Time
Whole Number
Number sentences
2D and 3 Shapes

Number and Patterns Task

Content for Exam:
Measurement, Shapes and Symmetry

ICT: ICT 1, ICT 2, ICT 5, ICT 7.1, ICT 11, ICT 13, ICT 18, ICT 25, ICT 26, ICT 27, ICT 28, ICT 29, ICT 30

Planet Earth
Features of the Moon

Earth and Space

The Moon
Features of the Moon

Moon stories

Rocket Systems


Content for Exam:
Term 3 and 4 content
Energy and energy transfer
Energy around us
Movement and energy in a system
Energy and Sound
Planet Earth
The Earth and the Sun
The Moon
Rocket Systems

Term 3: 40% Term 4: 60%
End of year exam: 40 mark

Content for Exam:
Uses of water
-Daily uses in personal lives
-Other uses-such as farming,
factories, mines, electricity
generation, gardens and recreation.
Water as a resource
-salt water and fresh water on Earth
-The natural water cycle: from sea to
land and back in the sea.
-Fresh water in nature: rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes and underground
-Storing water
-Why people need to store water
-Ways of storing water.
How people get their water
-Rivers, streams, and springs
-Boreholes and wells-getting water from underground
-Trucks with water containers for places that do not have other sources.
-Taps: water travels along pipes from big dams to purification plants, reservoirs and finally to taps in communities, homes and other buildings.
Pollution and waste water
-Personal, daily practices that pollute water.
-Factory and farming waste
-Wastewater and sewage recycling
-The water use cycle: how water, taken from the natural cycle, is used and returned to the sea.


End-of-year examination 25 marks

History content for Exam
-The oldest forms of communication
-San Hunter-gatherers
-Change in modern forms of communication
End year Exam: 25 marks

SD 1, SD 5, SD 10, SD 13, SD 30, SD 32, SD 33,
ED 2, ED 4, ED 5, ED 20, ED 22, ED 24, ED 26, ED 29, ED 30
HL 2, HL 3, HL 6, HL 11,

Traffic rules relevant to road users

  • Pedestrians and cyclists
  • Passenger behaviour
  • Railway safety
    Personal and household hygiene:
  • Personal hygiene items that cannot be shared
  • Germ breeding areas in the house
    Dietary habits of children:
  • Impact on dental and oral hygiene
    Healthy environment and personal health: home, school and community
  • Examples of environments that are unhealthy: pollution (air, water and land) including illegal dumping sites
  • Dangers of unhealthy environments to personal health
  • Strategies to keep environments healthy: conservation of environment
  • Celebrating arbour day
    HIV and AIDS education: basic facts including blood management
  • Basic explanation of HIV and AIDS
  • Transmission of HIV through blood
  • How HIV is not transmitted
  • How to protect oneself against infection through blood


Content for Exam:
End-of-year examination 30 marks 45 min

JC Outcomes: VA1.1, VA1.2, VA1.3, VA1.4
CAPS Outcome:
Create in 2D: Natural world
Create in 3D: Dream catcher
Create in 2D: Natural world (20 marks)
Create in 3D: Dream catcher (20 marks)
Content for Exam: N/A

JC Outcomes: DA1.1, DA2.4, DR1.2, DR1.4, MU1.1, MU1.3
CAPS Outcomes:
Mime using imaginary objects
Physical shapes using gesture, posture, and balance
Group tableaux
Melodies and rhythms on self-made, found, or traditional instruments to enhance the mood of a tableau
Building a drama from a stimulus: tableaux
Sound pictures using instruments
Songs to improve in-tune singing, related to the themes of the drama, recognising melodies in range of 5th
Informal Assessment:
Creation and performance of a short drama using tableaux as stimulus
Content for Exam: N/A

Driving Question

End Product of this Unit of Study:

Show how a rocket ship can fly while spreading the word of an awareness campaign of South Africa Environmental state.


This Unit of Study presents as the story to the learners. Each new chapter of the story will have its problems and situations. Issues will focus on daily communication, the Earth's features, water bodies, and Pollution in the environment. However, by looking at yourself first, it can help the environment.

Learners will help the character, a Grade 4 learner Lebokhule, find solutions for the issue at hand. Lebokhule is not defined as a girl or boy throughout the story. So which communication method was the key to solving this problem?

By definition, communication is the transfer of information from one place to another. In relationships, communication allows to you explain to someone else what you are experiencing and what your needs are. The act of communicating not only helps to meet your needs, but it also helps you to connect with the other person.

Words are essential, but good non-verbal communication should not be underestimated. We are constantly delivering non-verbal cues such as gestures, movements and expressions in our social and business life to deliver a specific message to other people—handshakes, eye contact and touching all help impart how we are feeling. Moreover, evidence suggests that non-verbal communication is even more effective than verbal communication in certain situations.

Communication can be categorized into three basic types: (1) verbal communication, in which you listen to a person to understand their meaning; (2) written communication, in which you read their meaning; and (3) nonverbal communication, in which you observe a person and infer meaning.

Driving question

"Is Communication the Key?"

Come with Lebokhule on the journey where the features of South Africa are explored and the environmental issues South Africa experience daily. Learn with Lebokhule about some solutions that start with yourself before you can reach for the moon. Learn about the clues of different types of communication you see daily that lead you to the next part of the journey.

Is Communication really the Key?

Topic 3: Chapter 2: Aeroplane
9 - 10 Days

Topic 5: Conclusion

TOPIC 2: Chapter 1: The steam train
4 Days

Topic 4: Chapter 3: Flight or Flight
7 - 9 days

Switched-On Activity 2: Transport as a human invention
Prior Knowledge:
Transport through time

New Knowledge:
Steam train as a mode of transport and its environmental impact

Consolidation Activity:
Comprehension Activity: Steam trains

Read the comprehension in the given link and answer the questions based on the understanding.
This activity covers the following concepts
-Transport on land

Comprehension questions:

  1. Name four kinds of pollution that different types of transport can cause.
  2. What do you think is the type of transport that is the safest for the environment?
  3. What do you think is the type of transport that is the most dangerous for the environment?

Learners will end the activity by watching the video about Jenny the Steam Train leaving a station. Which indicates they are on the train starting their Journey with Lebokhule.


Allocated Time:
30 Minutes

Informal Assignment:

Time Line for UOS:
In total: 5 weeks / 25 Days
Topic 1: Introduction (1 - 2 Days)
Topic 2: Chapter 1 - Steam Train (4 Days)
Topic 3: Chapter 2 - Aeroplane (9 - 10 Days)
Topic 4: Chapter 3 - Flight or Flight (4 - 6 Days)
Topic 5: Conclusion (2 - 3 Days)

Switched-On Activity 3: Second leg of the journey

Prior Knowledge:
Aeroplane as a new mode of transport and Time

New Knowledge:
Time and Elapsed Time

Consolidation Activity:

Part 1
Visual Text Comprehension
Learners will study the example of a plane ticket in the class and make Cornell Notes on the different parts of an Aeroplane ticket.

  • Name of the flight
  • Airport Names
  • Elapsed Time of the Flight

Part 2: Formal Assessment Elapsed Time

Prior Knowledge:
Time and Elapsed Time

New Knowledge:
Calculations of Elapsed Time

Consolidation Activity:
Word problems - Worksheet

The Grade 4 learner arrived at the Airport at 10:15.
They need to arrive in Sutherland at 18:50 to check in at the hotel before 19:00.
At OR Tambo, the following flights are available to Sutherland:

Johannesburg to East London To Sutherland - Travel Time is 3 hours and 20 minutes

Johannesburg to Sutherland - Travel Time is 4 hours and 45 minutes

Work out which flight will be the best to take and be on Time to check-in at the hotel.




Allocated Time:
40 Minutes

Formal Assignment Mathematics [20 Marks]

In-Class Activity 3B: Water features of SA (Change)

Prior Knowledge:
Environmental observation from the sky and physical features of South Africa (water)

New Knowledge:
Water as a resource

Consolidation Activity:

Part 1 (SS-Geography)
Map Work Activity
Analyse the map showing different physical features, specifically water bodies (rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands). Learners must list all the names of the water bodies they see.

Part 2:
Research activity
what will instruct learners to research the water bodies they have listed in Part A.

Part 3:
Reflection Activity

  • Identify where we get water sources.
  • List the way s water is used in our daily lives.

The primary purpose of this activity is to enhance the learners' skills such as analysing, listing and research.
Assessment tool: Rubric


Allocated Time:
60 minutes

Informal Assignment:
Marks: 20 marks

In-Class Activity 2A: Journey on a steam train(Niemand)

Part 1: Personal hygiene and dietary habits

Prior Knowledge
Travelling via steam train

New Knowledge
Personal hygiene and dietary habits

Consolidation Activity:
Class discussion - Learners will write the answers in their ISN
Create an Infographic on Canva to illustrate Personal Hygiene
Dietary habits (Scenario unhealthy eating habits leading to a dental problem)
If places used, all the time, are not cleaned, the germs become more and spread with each person who leaves the area.
Day time
Learners identify the areas in the train that need to be kept clean and state who and how they should be kept clean.
Finally, learners list the products they need to maintain personal hygiene and explain why Who should not share them.

Allocated Time:
40 minutes


In-Class Activity 3D: Pollution Awareness (Niemand)

Prior Knowledge:
Human activity causes an unhealthy environment.

New Knowledge:
Different types of pollution, recycling, conservation of water

Consolidation Activity:
Part 1: Investigation

Learners investigate the different types of pollution, focusing on water pollution because of human activity they saw from the sky and their effect on their environment.

Part 2: Create an information booklet / an infographic on Canva

Learners create an information booklet on how to keep the environment healthy.

Information booklet includes:

  • Names of the different types of pollution
  • Effect of pollution on the environment
  • Choose one of the following topics of solutions and plan how they will promote this:
    • Conservation of water
    • Arbor day planting more trees

Allocated Time:
2 Hours



In-Class Activity 4B: Building a rocket ship

Prior Knowledge:
Methods of transport

New Knowledge:
How to build a rocket and the technology design process

Consolidation Activity:
Presentation of a rocket

Learners will receive a picture of the different parts of a rocket ship and its function.
Then, we will discuss each piece in class.

This will then introduce learners to a few videos on how to build their rocket ship.
Finally, learners will develop their rocket ship at home and send in a Flipgrid video.

Video will consist of:

  • Explain each part of their rocket ship
  • Name of the rocket ship
  • Show how it can fly.

Fly options:

  • Throw with hand
  • Water or air lift off
  • Chemical reaction



Allocated Time: 40 minutes (to complete at home over the weekend)

Informal Assignment:

Switched-On Activity 4: Moon stories from around the world (Nkuna)

Prior Knowledge:
The properties of the Moon

New Knowledge:
Analysing myths about the Moon

Consolidation Activity:
Part 1: Reading activity:
Learners will get a chance to read a few cultural fables about the Moon and how it has contributed to space.

Part 2: Class discussion: (Exit ticket)

  1. What do you think was the importance of the Moon to the people in the stories?
  2. How does the Moon affect your daily lives?
  3. Does your culture have a story about the Moon?
  4. How does the full Moon and half-moon affect the darkness outside?


Allocated Time: 40 minutes

In-Class Activity 5A: Reflect on the topics and make a decision (Verster)

Prior Knowledge:
Environmental Issues of South Africa

New Knowledge:
Solutions and decisions.

Consolidation Activity:
Learners create an infographic on Canva to illustrate the Pros and Cons of staying or leaving.

List the Pros and Con's for staying or leaving.

Learners will reflect on each topic and make an informed decision by using the videos of Switch On activity 5.

Learners must help the character, Lebokuhle, to list the pros and cons of staying or leaving.

Learners need to focus on the following aspects:

  • Things can go wrong, but there are solutions to problems.
  • The role and importance of different communication methods for all aspects of life.
  • Possibility for humans to live on the moon.
  • Can we solve the pollution of South Africa?
  • How can we make South Africa aware of the solutions to the pollution problem?

Videos of SO5
image image

Allocated Time:
40 minutes

Informal Assignment:

In-Class Activity 5C: Friendly Letter (Niemand)

Prior Knowledge:
Writing and sentence Construction

New Knowledge:
Friendly Letter

Consolidation Activity:
Writing: Friendly Letter

Learners need to write a friendly letter to a friend by telling them about their decision. Then, share their idea of having a fundraiser by selling dreamcatchers from recycled material. Ask if friends want to assist in the project.


Time Allocation:
90 minutes

In-Class Activity 4C: What to do in case of injury (Niemand)

Prior Knowledge:
Building a rocket

New Knowledge:
What to do in case of an injury, blood management, HIV

Consolidation Activity:
Class discussion and worksheet:

Learners look at different scenarios and choose the correct way to treat or assist the injury is.

image image image image image
Allocated Time:
40 minutes

In-class Activity 3C: Waterfall water painting (Pullinger)

Prior Knowledge:
Information obtained in In-Class Activity 3B SS

New Knowledge:
How to paint with water paint and creating in 2D

(Visual Arts)
Consolidation Activity:
Paint a waterfall with water paint

Step 1: Learners watch the following video on how to use water paint.

Step 2: After watching the YouTube video, learners will choose any waterfall in South Africa.
Step 3: The learners have to plan their waterfall on their A4 paper and label what colours they want to use.
Step 4: The learners can start with their final drawing on their A3 paper after their planning has been approved.
Step 5: Now it is time to paint.

image image

A4 and A3 Paper
Small, medium and large paint brushes
Plastic cup (for water)

Allocated Time: 120 minutes
Formal SBA: 20 marks

In-class Activity 5D: Create in 3D - Dream catcher made out of recyclable material (Pullinger)

Prior Knowledge:
Solutions for pollutions

New Knowledge:
DIY dream catcher of recycled material.

Consolidation Activity:

Learners must create a Dream Catcher to promote the solution of pollution in South Africa.
The learner must make dream catchers out of recycled materials. This will be their new communication tool to promote a healthy and clean environment in South Africa.

Step 1: Using scissors, carefully remove the middle of the paper plate to create a frame for the dream catcher.
Step 2: Use your koki pens to colour the outside of the paper plate.
Step 3: Make tiny holes with the scissor that The learner will use to create the webbing.
Step 4: Once you are happy with the webbing in the frame of your dream catcher, we cut some pieces of yarn to hang down from the edge. Make the different yarn lengths to keep it looking attractive.
Step 5: Dream catchers typically have feathers and so you can add some to each strand using the glue.

Paper plate
Koki pens
Empty toilet paper roll

Allocated time: 80 minutes
Formal SBA 20 marks

In-Class Activity 3A: Parts of South Africa (Nkuna)

Prior Knowledge:
Provinces in South Africa and air travel

New Knowledge:
Physical features of South Africa

Consolidation Activity:

Map work
After analysing a map of South Africa, learners will have a class discussion about the different physical features of a South African map.

South African map consists of:

  • The names of provinces in South Africa.
  • The different rivers that are available in a province.
  • The assorted deserts that are around the country.
  • Borderlines, which indicate where provinces begin and end.
  • Indication of capital cities.


Allocated Time:
30 minutes

Informal/Formal Assignment:

Topic 1: Introduction to the Story
1 - 2 Days

In-Class Activity 2A: Journey on a steam train(Niemand)

Part 2: Road safety
Prior Knowledge:
Travelling through the country

New Knowledge:
Traffic rules and road safety

Consolidation Activity: Worksheet
Before the learner gets off the train, they witness a car accident. The learner looks at different scenarios of people's behaviour on the road and train station, identify if they follow the road safety rules. Or what could have been done to prevent it?

Allocated Time:


Story outline:
Imaginary and Factual

Main Character:
Grade 4 learner, Lebokhule
Not defined as a girl or a boy.

The character tries to solve a list of problems that he faces along the way. (Lebokhule wakes up on a train and find a big book, ATLAS. Lebokhule uses the chapters in the Atlas to explore South Africa via a train and a plane while learning about its beauty.
Lebokhule found some pollution problems in certain features of SA.
Lebokhule wants to resolve these problems and search for answers at a Planetarium.)

Lebokhule must decide at the end of the Unit of Study.
(Must I stay and help SA, or must I leave and prevent this from happening to other planets.)
“Is communication the key to fixing problems?”


Switched-On Activity 1: Planet Earth

Prior Knowledge
Earth and Space

New Knowledge
New features of Earth

Consolidation Activity
Drawing of Earth - label the different parts on the world map - oceans and continents

Who will show learners a world map where they will need to get familiar with and learn about continents and oceans worldwide.


Discussion questions:

  1. How many planets are in the solar system?
  2. Where is Earth located in the solar system?
  3. Why is Earth the only planet with living things?
  4. Use the colours to identify the different parts that Who can find on a map.
    Blue, green, white and brown.
  5. What is a continent?
  6. How many continents can you see on the map?
  7. What is separating the different continents from each other?

Learners will engage in a discussion about more of the visible features of Earth.


Comprehension Questions:

  1. Name all 5 of the different oceans that are found all around the world.
  2. What is the line that goes through the middle, from left to right, of the world map called?
  3. What is the line that goes from top to bottom of the map called?

Learners will be taken around the world, virtually, where they will be looking at the globe of the Earth from outer space.

Google Maps
Learners will get a view of the Earth from outer space.,18.35785871,-12460.55475899a,27056872.76477337d,35y,357.58221289h,0t,0r

Sway Consolidation Activity

Prior Knowledge
Transport and Personal Hygiene

New Knowledge
Communication methods that solve problems

Consolidation Activity
Class discussion- jot down answers on the ISN

  • Name the different types and forms of communication that Lebokuhle observed during his experience.
  • How did Lebokuhle think these forms or types of communication could have helped in the problems he observed on the train?
  • Which different forms of communication were vital to solve these problems?

Sway Consolidation Activity

Prior Knowledge
Features and Water bodies of South Africa

New Knowledge
Other Forms of pollution

Consolidation Activity
Class discussion

  • Name any other pollution you know of that you did not learn about in this Topic.
  • What is the effect of this type of pollution on the environment?
  • What type of health problems can it cause people?
  • Do you feel that we can do something about pollution?
    How would you communicate that to people?
  • Do you feel like running away and forget the problem? Explain why you would do this.
  • Name the different forms of communications you would use create awareness of pollution and how to prevent pollution.
  • How did these forms of communication help you to resolve the problem at hand?

Sway Consolidation Activity

Prior Knowledge
Transport, Moon phases and Rockets.

New Knowledge
Environmental issues caused by Rocketships

Consolidation Activity
Class discussion:

  1. Give the properties of the Moon.
  2. What is the importance of the Moon to the Earth?
  3. Do you think rockets can cause pollution?
    What type of pollution will it be?
  4. What key of communication helped solve the solution on how to build a rocket ship?
  5. Is the Moon livable for humans?
  6. Do you know of any rocket ships that landed on the Moon?
  7. What part of the rocket ship can cause pollution?
  8. Is moving to the Moon a viable solution rather than solving the solution problem?
  9. Identify any forms of communication you have used or observed so far.
  10. Can communication be of any help for the pollution problem and the solution here on Earth?


In-Class Activity 4A: Moon Phases

Prior Knowledge:
Time zones
New Knowledge:
Consolidation Activity:

Part 1

Investigation Class Activity
Learners will watch two videos about the different phases that the Moon goes through, and after writing down their findings, they can answer the following questions:

  1. Why do the words 'moon' and 'month' have the same root?
  2. The moon 'orbits' around the Earth. What does this mean?
  3. Why does the appearance of the Moon change?
  4. Name the different phases that the Moon has to go through.
  5. How does the Moon rotate around the Earth?
  6. What is the dividing line that separates the light and dark from the Moon called?
  7. How does the Moon shine?
  8. Explain the process that takes place when there is a solar eclipse.
  9. Does the Moon stay the same from one night to the next?
  10. When does a full moon occur?


Allocated Time:
45 minutes

Informal Assignment:

In-Class Activity 4A: Most suitable Moon phases (Nkuna)

Prior Knowledge:
The Moon Phases

New Knowledge:
Most Suitable Moon Phase for landing

Consolidation Activity:

Part 2

Investigation class activity
Learners will receive a picture of the different moon phases. Learners will need to fill in the names for each stage to show understanding. (Caps requirement)
Learners will hypothetically discuss which stage will be best to launch a rocket ship for the moon landing.


Allocated Time:
40 minutes

Informal Assignment:

Switched-On Activity 5 Problem-solving

Prior Knowledge:

New Knowledge
Make an informed decision.

Consolidation Activity
Cornell Notes

Learners will look at the following videos that explain how to make an informed decision.
How to identify the pro's and con's of a situation


Allocated Time
40 minutes

In-Class Activity 4D: Newspaper Article - 1st Moon landing (Niemand)

Prior Knowledge:
Topic 4

New Knowledge:
The first man on the moon - analyses the newspaper article.

Consolidation Activity:

Listening and Reading Comprehension

  1. What is the headline of the article?
  2. Who wrote the article?
  3. Who is the famous astronaut in the photograph?
  4. Who was the photographer?
  5. When was the article published?
  6. Why are there quotation marks in the article?
  7. How do you think the astronauts felt when they did the interview?
  8. Who do you think would be interested in reading the article?


Allocated Time: 40 minutes

In-Class Activity 4E: Interview with the First Man on the Moon (Niemand)

Prior Knowledge:
The first man on the moon

New Knowledge:
They are writing and presenting an oral presentation in the form of an interview.

Consolidation Activity:

Unprepared oral presentation - Interview

Learners watch the video in which Buzz Aldrin discusses the first moon landing.
Then, learners will pair up in two groups and write a dialogue between an interviewer and the first man on the moon. One learner will be the interviewer, and the other learner the celebrity.


Allocated Time: 80 minutes
English SBA: Paper 1- Unprepared speech
Mark Allocation: 20 Marks

In-Class Activity 5B: Performing Arts

Prior Knowledge: Environmental Issues in South Africa. Building Drama From Stimulus- Character (Term 2)

New Knowledge: Building Drama from stimulus- Tableaux

Consolidation Activity: Creation and Performance of a short drama piece using tableaux as a stimulus

Activity Description: Learners will build a drama from tableaux as stimuli in response to themes and locations. What will complete the activity in class allocated groups by following the steps outlined below?


  1. In their respective groups, learners create a series of 3 tableaux capturing the crucial moments, themes or locations in Libokhule's journey. The tableaux should carefully consider the emotions or feelings, attitudes and relationships depicted. In addition, learners should pay attention to the elements of time, space and conflict.
  2. Groups will present their tableaux to the class for interpretation and feedback.
  3. Groups will then work the feedback given to them into their images. They will then consider how their pictures are presented to have a proper beginning, middle and end. This will form the basis of the drama storyline and plot structure.
  4. They will then identify discernable characters depicted in their images. They will then allocate each other feelings and develop them further for drama.
  5. Use mime, expressing feelings and ideas through movement, gesture, and facial expression as transitions between the images.
  6. Introduce limited dialogue appropriate to the drama.
  7. Consider the body language, posture, gesture, and movements of the characters.
  8. Identify and create suitable sound pictures using body percussion and found instruments to make an appropriate soundtrack for the drama, including interludes and underscoring.
  9. Select or create melodies and rhythms on self-made, found, or traditional musical instruments to enhance the story's mood and relate to the drama's themes.
  10. Consider the movements of the characters in response to sounds and music.
  11. Rehearse the drama until it is polished.
  12. Identify and procure appropriate props and costumes.
  13. Present the drama for assessment.

Resources:Musical instruments

Time Allocation:240 minutes

Informal Assessment: 40 Marks

To be assessed with a rubric.

Narrative descriptor:
The learner has arrived via an aeroplane in Sutherland to study the moon phase and see if the moon is a viable place for escaping the pollution situation of South Africa and the world.