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CHAPTER 8 Knowledge Management Tools - Coggle Diagram
CHAPTER 8 Knowledge Management Tools
Forms of Knowledge
Content creation
Authoring tools
Annotation tools
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Content Management
Metadata tagging
Source, author, etc.
Personal KM
Capturing Knowledge
Cognitive Mapping Tools
A visual representation of the domain which makes explicit the mental concepts that exist within the domain and the relationship between them.
Information Retrieval Tools
Create index- enables the location of a text and document structure (logical view); speed up retrieval & reduce computational cost
Solve user’s information needs in the form of query through algorithms and ranking the results in some form of relevance to the user.
Search Engines
Information retrieval principles are applied in a wide range of environments and for a range of purposes,
Crawlers – software programs using agent technology that sends requests to remote web servers looking for new/updated pages.
Agent Technology
Agents are computer systems that are capable of autonomous action in a given environment in order to fulfil their design objectives.
Can act without intervention from humans and take control over their actions and internal state.
Device provides needs and wants of consumer
Solution lies in data mining in terms of analysing user’s clickstream and making recommendations
Use of agents and machine learning
Cookies – small data files planted on user computer to allow website to identify them
Sharing Knowledge
allows sharing knowledge with knowledge providers across the world
provides same but restricted access from outside
Both allow distribution of knowledge across platforms
Web 2.0 Platform
business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform
Shift to dynamic social web applications
Network effect critical to their success
Syndication and RSS Feeds
Information from articles and photos repackaged for different customers
RSS format to publish frequently updated content on websites
Combine content from different sources to applications for different business processes
Web pages that can be viewed and modified by anyone
Allows to create or change web content
Places power and freedom in hands of users rather than external ‘expert’
Works in progress on virtual ‘white boards’
Agendas and minutes can be placed on wikis
Can be open to manipulation and vandalism
Online Social Networks
Individuals interact with others in community
Social network sites
SNS tend to support pre-existing relationships rather than new ones
Benefit from social capital and self-presentation
Risk over privacy from third party securing personal information
3D Virtual World
Computer-simulated worlds where users interact in real time through ‘avatars’ – a form of alter ego
Groupware Tools
Working on same document by multiple users
Organising discussions
Evaluating Knowledge
Online Analytical Processing
Provides multidimensional analysis of data to allow user to see data in different ways using multiple dimensions
Case-based reasoning
Capture and store past experiences as organizational knowledge
ystem searches for stored cases with similar profile to new problem
Adds unsuccessful cases to aid learning
Built on artificial intelligence technology
Help desk, call centre applications
Virtual reality
Data Mining
Uses variety of neural network, decision trees and genetic modelling algorithms
se sophisticated data search capabilities using algorithms to discover patterns and correlations in vast amounts of data
Data Warehouse
Database with query and reporting tools
Stores current and historical data from internal and external sources
Data mart – subset of data warehouse which contains summarized or highly focused data for certain user