What can we learn from global pandemic?
We can be productive in a single room
Having too much free time is not good for mental health
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Be more responsible
How to git gud at Dark Souls
What we miss and what we don't miss from normal life
Internet speed is crucial
Work - Home Office
That it is possible to sleep 16 hours a day
Time organization ⏲
Even dogs start to hate you after spending too much time with them.
Not being allowed to go anywhere results in an abundance of money / savings because we can't spend money on culture, restaurants, etc.
The crisis afterwards is not so fun, though
You need to separate your spaces, because working from the same desk doesn't work
human interaction, for both
Try new sports outside
"Cooking" - ordering food
Wolt profits skyrocket though
Not having to commute to Brno saved time and one could take more courses
Those are rookie numbers. 😛
Overall similar companies are probably having a good time now. I noticed a lot of such companies being founded
or forget to sleep for 3 days
Everybody expect home office
Not even free time will make you good in kitchen though
Investing into a good PC is worth it
Spending 14 hours a day programming causes serious backpain
Discover a lot of useful online tools
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but you can try. And because nobody sees you it's all good.
gotta bump those numbers up
And a lot of useless, too
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what is this normal life you're talking about?
I learned that my desk sucks
Somebody once told me
get s standing desk! best purchase ever
am poor lmao
v ikei za 5k
the world is gonna roll me
But working in your pyjamas is great!
Having a good chair to prevent back pain
the pandemic is gonna troll me
they might not see me but they will definitely notice a burning kitchen
that it goes out of the window
We can't be productive in a single room
We can't be productive.
working from home = background music all the time = discovered a lotta new artists
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Stay at home, skip lectures, only play videogames the whole day
Be less responsible
And all the dishes in the trash
Invest in crypto
No, that's an SSD company
cripple the GPU market
Missing live concerts
tell us more!
What my classmates' rooms look like
Lose money because of Elon Musk
Is there a student discount for swimming in Brno?
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