Key learnings from Diverse learners


The importance of land annaoucement


Correct Pronunciation in Land acknowledgement




Establishing courageous environment


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teach students to self-reflection






Our words

Stay Engaged

listen for understanding

Speak your truth

Honour Confidentiality

Expect and except Non-closure

Changing yourself, not others

Teach students to value others' thoughts and using “I” statements

Refrain from being distracted by things around you

Listen without thinking about how you respond and don't compare our experience with another person's

don't share with other who are not in this group

group members should encourage each other

To understand deeply in new ways and know why they show the behaviours like that.

To respect each other, such as using the tree of life

Tree of life IMG_5731

Sketch or Draw


Invisible dimensions inform visible differences

As educators, we must aware of the social identity which impacts our thinking, conversation and behaviours

What is the things you intentionally hide? (90-80%)

What are things visible? (10-20%)

Building relationships is the key to know your students.

To be aware of power and privilege

Socio-cultural influences on situated cognition

"socially dominant" groups are not always the majority in the population

Power and privilege in our society

We become better allies when we are aware of our privilege.

Say the land acknowledgement at the beginning of the class or school day. As Amy said in the understanding the land acknowledgement video," being respectful means not talking about somebody while they're not present, so I made sure that the land is present"

Share with students my social identify: What is my culture most emphasize? My life in primary school were embraced with homework and high marks. My parents' expectation was high, and they all worked 24/7 which showed the example of hard work.

My own shift of thinking in power and privilege will impact how I plan my lesson, address conflict and interact with learners and their families.


To create equity, diversity and inclusion in the classroom, teachers should be careful what words they use.

Be aware of calling your students "Boys and girls"

Use polite words "Please..."

Use "We" instead of "you". Always say "our classroom"

Welcome students everyday moring

Instead of "stand in line from shortest to tallest," say," if you wearing red, please line up.

instead of say,"choose a partner" you can say, "find someone you haven't worked with before."


Being able to recognize and acknowledge our various identities allow us to examine our advantages and disadvantages. It also allows our identities can show in our planning, thinking, teaching, instruction and evaluation.

Intersectionality"We have multiple identities and group memberships with which they identify and find meaning." (from Understanding intersectionality is critical to advancing educational equity for all)

Class and race: Students of colour in schools located low-invested are less likely receive grade-appropriate coursework and reflect higher-level cognitive demand.

Sex and race: girls of colour face higher rates or suspension and expulsion

Gender identity, sexual orientation, and race: Students of colour who identify as LGBTQ+ experienced higher victimization.

Do not allow stereotypes, bias and discrimination impact my students

Learners need to understand the cycle of prejudice

As educations, we need to help our students to understand their biases and stereotype can create discrimination and lead to privilege or marginalization, It also will impact how they solve the problems, and how to build a close relationship with their friends and teachers.

Asking them to write or draw a biases they have been, heard or experienced. Display each biases in our classroom board


Teaching about race
Encourage all my students to talk about how racism affects lives and allow other people to recognize "white fragility."

How to apply in the classroom: 1. Working with power structures 2. Bringing students' real lives into classroom 3. Building relationship with students

Interrupting Microaggressions
Inquire, paraphrases, use"I" and redirect an reframe
"Can you elaborate on what you mean?"

To be aware of Microaggression

Addressing unkindness part when you work with young students (Teaching First-Grades about Microaggressions)

Microaggressions reinforce stereotypes in surreptitious ways

Support children in their efforts to be anti-racist, courageous upstanders!

Inclusive teaching by James Banks Model 1. Contribution approach 2. Additive approach 3. Transformative approach 4. social action approach

Those four approaches should be mixed and blended in teaching. The move from the lowest to the highest levels of ethnic content integration is more realistic in learning.

The words they use and the questions they ask

Their arts


Student's behaviors in a group

Student's interaction with others

in group discussion


The results from activities

Their assignments

Their assignments

One to one conversation