Independence Day Celebration in SMK King George V
It was Merdeka Day, August 31st, a memorable day for Malaysians. To commemorate our Independence Day, my school organised a celebration. The teachers and students were informed to be present in the hall. The whole hall was beautifully decorated with coloured balloons and the national flags were everywhere.
The first event was a speech delivered by the principal. He read out the message from the Prime Minister about this special day. The national anthem started and everybody sang with a lot of passion and sentiment. Students and teachers raise their right hands as they recited the National Oath. Then, the teacher in-charge announced that a choir was to perform some patriotic songs and we were told to wave the small national flags in our hands. In gaiety, all students and teachers sang along. This was followed by a sketch by the Form 5 students.
The next event was a procession around the town of Seremban. As everyone was told earlier to dress up in their traditional costumes or the national T-shirt, the procession was very grand and colourful. People began to applaud and scream 'Merdeka!' It was proud moment for all taking part.
It was a day of fun and great excitement. One of the most obvious and easiest ways to show love for the country is to celebrate it together.
The Independence Day has a great importance in every citizen's life. This day reminds us every year that freedom is sacred and citizen must do everything to ensure that it shall not be endangered.