III Freeing Yourself

Ch8: Let Go Now or Fall

Want a world around
that is predictable

Resist Change and
Control others (People, Events, Things)

(Blockage of energy)

Recognize that you have fear
and work to release it,

or keep fear and try to hide from it.

Remove the blockage by
releasing the energy

justifying to keep it.

Principle - Let Go asap

Fall /State of disturbance

Act in order to fix things.

Survival instincts

Externalize these
energies by Fight / Yelling

Involved into others'
energy (hearts / minds)

If you feel shame, let it go.
If you feel fear, let it go.

Ch11: pain, the price of freedom
Spiritual journey

give up the struggle
to remain the same

embrace change

Ch9: Removing your Inner Thorn
Personal problems

We normally attempt to solve our inner
disturbances by protecting ourselves.

Real transformation begins when you embrace your problems as agents for growth.

If you don’t solve the root cause of the problem,
but instead, attempt to protect yourself from the problem,
it ends up running your life.

Inner thorns => Hot buttons

  1. You want to talk to people because you find them interesting, not because you’re lonely.
  2. You want to have relationships with people because you genuinely like them, not because you need for them to like you.
  3. You want to love because you truly love, not because you need to avoid your inner problems.

Free yourself by finding yourself.

Your Motivation and Act

Try to solve it by quiet it down
(eating something, calling somebody, or
doing something else)

Experience as Inner sensitive person
having feelings such as fear, jealousy

Principle - Experience them without getting lost in them

Once you learn that it’s okay to feel inner disturbances,
and that they can no longer disturb your seat of consciousness,
you will be free.

Ch10: Stealing freedom for your soul
The prerequisite to true freedom

Decide that you do not want to suffer anymore.
You must decide that you want to enjoy your life and
that there is no reason for stress, inner pain, or fear.


People do not understand how much they are suffering because they have never experienced what it is like to not suffer.

How our Body Communicate

Body sends pain when it’s not well.
Pain is not bad; it’s how the body talks to you.

How our Mind (/Psyche) talks

Psyche is communicating through
its universal language: fear. Self-consciousness,
jealousy, insecurity, anxiety —they are all fear.

You have mistreated it by giving it a
responsibility that is incomprehensible.

“I want everyone to like me.
I don’t want anyone to speak badly of me.
I want everything I say and do to be acceptable
and pleasing to everyone.
I don’t want anyone to hurt me.
I don’t want anything to happen that I don’t like.
And I want everything to happen that I do like.”

The signs of the body breaking
are pain and weakness.

The signs of the psyche breaking are
underlying fear and incessant neurotic thought.

The advice your mind is giving you is
psychologically damaged advice.
Your mind’s thoughts are disturbed
by its fears. (Inner Voice)

The root problem is that you don’t feel
whole and complete within yourself.

Seek someone or something to cover it up.
You will hide behind finances, people, fame, and adoration.

A naturally healthy body is one that just does
what it’s supposed to do while
you’re going about your business.
You never have to think about it.

You should never have to figure out how to be okay,
or how not to be scared, or how to feel loved.

All you have to do is
stop expecting the mind to fix
what’s wrong inside of you.

Do not ever fight your mind. You will never win.
It will either beat you now, or you will suppress it
and it will come back and beat you later.
Instead of fighting the mind, just don’t participate in it.

Withdraw attention and mind will quiet.

Just watch the mind talk, and keep relaxing and releasing.

Take a moment to remember that
you’re spinning on a planet in the middle of empty space.

Come to peace with pain.


Layer 1=> Pain of rejection

Layer 2=> Maintain friendship

Layer 3=> Do things Acceptable to others

Layer 4=> Wear things Clothes, Car, Talk, etc acceptable to others.

Inner pain as a temporary shift in your energy flow.

Emotions =>

Pain =>

Temporary things => A thing in the universe

Pain can't touch you unless you touch it.

Withdrawing / Pullback to protect itself =>

to avoid experiencing the feeling again

Don't be Slave to the fear of pain

Relax and Release
(vs Contract & Close)

Fire of yoga

Release blocked energy => Release Pain

The moment you are not afraid of the pain,
you’ll be able to face all of life’s situations without fear.

This world will never be able
to bother you again because
the worst the world can do is to
hit the pain stored within you.

you are FREE.

Struggles with Life

Sign when to let go

The moment you start seeing that you don’t like the people you used to like, the moment you start seeing that your life looks really different, the moment it all starts getting negative—let go.