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IT Disconnect at Cascade Sustainable energy : - Coggle Diagram
IT Disconnect at Cascade Sustainable energy :
an IT business relationship manager at Cascade Sustainable Energy. (pg 1)
New employees
confusion during orientation and given stacks of paper and websites to read (pg 2)
Orientation Staff
less than perfect coordination of new employees during orientation along with deliverance of information (pg 2)
Ryan's boss, works with Ryan and others to help find a new orientation system (pg 3)
Maggie Franklin
Onboarding Manager in Cascade HR department eager to discuss improvements through IT (pg 3)
VP of Human Resources
had contacted the CIO to discuss improving the orientation system (pg 4)
discussed with HR about improving the orientation system (pg 4)
Don Katz
has knowledge of review options for the orientation system (pg 4)
Loyal customers that work directly with Cascade Sustainable Energy
Ryan enters Cascade Sustainable Energy and notices issues with the orientation system (pg 1)
Ryan's first day in office and meeting boss Nick. Nick doesn't see Ryan contributing to the IT aspect of the office but to serve more as a business analyst. Ryan suggests improvement of the orientation process. (pg 3)
Ryan connects with Maggie Franklin and discusses improvement for the orientation process. (pg 4)
Ryan creates and presents his Orientation Options Analysis to Nick and connects with Don Katz to discuss the details of improving the system (pg 5)
Ryan meets with Maggie and discusses what had just occurred and they come up with the next steps to proceed which is to investigate vendor solutions next. (pg 6)
Relevant facts
Don Katz didn't see any issue with the current orientation system despite reviewing options for a new orientation system. (pg 5)
Maggie has been desperately trying to get improvements into the orientation system to no avail. (pg 4)
Nick's impression of IT consultants is very negative. “you know consultants –they have to find some problems to justify their fat fees, and IT is always an easy target.” (pg 3) Possibly due to little to no improvement of the current orientation system.
Nick's immediate dismissal of Ryan's IT aspect of his job. Expects Ryan to be more of a business analyst which could highlight poor integration of business and IT relations. (pg 3)
Possible solutions
Handle 500 new employees and 10 staff users
Next ERP release
Yes, can handle number but need to create new employee page
Conference Software
Need to be tested (sessions would be open to all)
Need to be tested
Scheduling Software
Yes (sessions would be open to all)
Integration with table use for new employee check in
Has web interface
Next ERP release
No but could write a web interface
Conference software
has web interface
scheduling software
has web interface
Messaging (email) ability to notify new employees
Next ERP release
No, but this feature can be achieved by extracting data from specific pages using the data extract functionality and using mail merge feature in Microsoft Word, Outlook etc.)
Conference software
Scheduling software
Create affinity groups (new employees from the same university or with the same job function)
Sign in from corporate portal
Collect several pieces of new employee information/preferences related to orientation (e.g., session dates, housing preferences, dietary restrictions, professional certifications, etc.)
Appear as a checklist item in the corporate portal
Appear as a checklist item in the corporate portal
mport new employee information from ERP (e.g. job offer acceptance status, address, specialization)
Write information to ERP from the system (e.g. orientation session number)
Send an auto-confirmation when new employee registers
Assign housing
Run reports downloadable in .csv, .pdf, .xls
ncludes a test environment for annual maintenance
Allow new employees to change some of their information (e.g. address, emergency contacts) and updates ERP records
Show new employees who are not registered for orientation
Allow collection of different info for new college hires and professional hires
Send a daily status report of registration numbers
Display new employee info on a page, including notes fields for staff to edit. Allow the following administrator actions1. Look up a new employee2. Enter new employee orientation data (e.g., sign up someone over the phone)3.Manually add a new employee who isn’t found in the system4. Look up cancelednew employees (who have accepted then declinedemployment offer)5. Specify/Change capacity of a session6. Specify/Change dates of a session7. Specify orientation hotels/rooms for overnight accommodations 8. Specify/change secondary specialtythat new employees may select
Can connect to existing online training for corporate policies(ethics, etc.)
Reporting requirements
Same as the existingsystem currently offers
The abilityfor orientation staff to create custom reports.
System and Integration Requirements
Integrate with ERP (realtime desired, nightly required)
Key Problems
Orientation could be better managed and executed towards new employees by implementing IT. (pg 2)
What is the cause?
It is difficult to implement change to the orientation system
How did it happen?
IT has not made improvement to the orientation system
Why does the problem exist?
IT has not implemented much improvement or review of the orientation system
What is the consequence?
Too many of certain specialists, new employees in wrong areas, new employees given packets of paper and websites to read
How did it impact the IT group?
Poorly represents the IT group
Current system is not operating properly according to Maggie. "One issue was that while her staff could set limits on the number of people with each specialty who could register for an orientation session, the system seemed to randomly ignore these. --Ryan's orientation session which had too many electrical engineers and not enough marketing and finance specialists. --new hire would cancel their registration for an orientation session but did not result in cancellation, cascade paying for an empty hotel room." (pg 4)
Why does the problem exist?
Orientation system is obviously broken
What is the cause?
System is malfunctioning
How did it impact the IT group?
Poor representation of IT group and scrambling orientation staff
How did it happen?
Lack of maintenance of the system
what is the consequence?
A poorly operating orientation system
Maggie unable to find someone in IT to talk with. The last person that had done work had already moved on and/or was unable to be tracked down. (pg 4)
What is the cause?
Lack of people staying long enough to implement changes and improvements to the system
How did it happen?
Lack of people and documentation
Why does the problem exist?
The last person that had done work moved on and/or was unable to be tracked down
What is the consequence?
A poorly running orientation system
How did it impact the IT group?
Made it difficult to contact and find a solution. IT's not doing their job.
Communication issue between Maggie and IT staff
What is the cause?
Maggie has to repeat the information regarding improvements to the orientation system
How did it happen?
Lack of documentation of the system
Why does the problem exist?
Different IT staff answered to speak to Maggie
What is the consequence?
A poorly running orientation system
How did it impact the IT group?
Represented poor conduct of work project between staff and inefficient work
Requested changes were not implemented for the orientation system
What is the cause?
Poor planning of time for these changes to be implemented
How did it happen?
"improvements to the orientation system would typically start in mid-winter and since planning and setup for the next summer’s orientation sessions usually started in mid-spring, this did notleave time to implement many of her requested changes. Adding in the winter holidays and the fact that the IT person assigned was oftenwaspulled off to work on other projects, Maggie said the improvements were usually limited to fixing any major problems found in the last orientation system and adding one or two small new features." (pg 4)
What is the consequence?
A poorly functioning orientation system
Why does the problem exist?
Poor planning of time and changes were needed for a properly function orientation system
How did it impact the IT group?
Impacted reputation of the IT group as represented by Nick's impression of the IT aspect of Ryan's job.