WWF PSA Advertisement
Construction of meaning
Negotiation of meaning
Published by WWF, a wildlife conservation group, in the Times Magazine in 2014
Aims to spread awareness about environmental issues: the effects of palm oil production
Shock & Horror: Viewers may be shocked by the environmental impact of palm oil production, particularly deforestation and harm to endangered species
Guilt: Consumers may feel guilty or ashamed for using products containing palm oil after realizing their contribution to the environmental damage.
Inspiration: Viewers may feel motivated to take action and demand sustainable palm oil
Educate readers about the environmental impacts of palm oil production
Action: Encourage consumers to demand certified sustainable palm oil
Promote WWF's work in protecting rainforests
Contrast: The juxtaposition of the image portraying vast greenery with the bold imperative sentence
Signifies the harm done to nature to make an everyday product
The imperative sentence "Help Save the Lipstick" catches the viewer's attention because it is in bold and capitalized.
Contrast: The juxtaposition of the image of lush greenery with the bold text
The capitalized bold text is first seen by the viewers due to its central placement using the rule of thirds
Provides information about the extensive usage about palm oil in everyday life
Introduces a call to action: Urges people to demand only certified sustainable palm oil
Persuasive effect
Encourages production and consumption of sustainable palm oil rather than completely stopping consumption
Negative Space: Plenty of negative space does not distract viewers from the central message of the effects of palm oil on the environment
Logo used establishes the brand identity of the WWF
"50 years of conservation" illustrates the experience in solving environmental problems so viewer should care about their opinion
The credits of the image is also mentioned to depict the damage done to beautiful forests such as the Kayan Mentarang National Park in Indonesia