Beyond earth
energy transformation
Forces and effect
living things in their environment
species and variation
plants and humans
metals and non-metals
rocks and soils
acids and alkalis
particle theory
Igneous rocks (obsidian, granite)
formed when magma cools
rocks (limestone)
formed when rocks are pressed together (softest)
Metamorphic rocks (quartzite, marble)
formed by high temp and pressure
metals: ductile,high melting point,high density,malleable
Characteristics of living things
movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, growth , excretion, nutrition
earth rotates on it's axis and orbits the sun
litmus paper
blue is alkali
red is acidic
universal indicator:1 to 6 is acidic/8 to 14 is alkali
plant cells vs animal cells
unicellular is 1 cell organism /multicellular
plant cells have more organs : cell wall only in plants holds the structure of the cell
gravity keeps us on the ground
universal indicator
osteosthritis and osteoporosis are bone dieseases
adaptations/food chain/food web
energy cannot be destroyed or created
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