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why are this skill important to students

problem solving skills can teach students to act rationally and objectively. students can see the causes and obstacles faced.

in addition, students can practice a systematic problem -solving process based on the planning made.

finally, students can improve their ability to see and solve the problems they face.


Problem solving is a method we use to understand what is going on in our environment. Everyone from different ages has to solve the problems faced including students. By identifying things that need to be changed, students can find out the things that need to be done in problem solving.

problem -solving skills are fundamental to continuous improvement, communication and learning.

students need to identify alternatives to influence change in order to make good decisions. problem -solving skills also refer to actions to implement change and observe the effects of those actions on the environment.


Among the steps that are recommended for students to solve a problem is to understand and identify the problem. for example, students identify problems getting low marks in exams. next, students need to make a strategic plan to overcome the problems encountered. for example, students control themselves from doing careless things like playing video games. in addition, students also need to implement planning according to what has been planned. next, students need to study the effectiveness of the actions taken to overcome the problems encountered whether they are effective or not.

how to improve problem solving skills

  1. IDENTIFY the problem
    In a nutshell, my definition of problem-solving skills is very simple: it is the ability to identify the nature of a problem, deconstruct it (break it down) and develop an effective set of actions to address the challenges related to it.
  1. DEFINE the main elements of the problem
    The next step in problem solving – and in learning problem-solving skills – is an ability to break down the problem into small pieces, or smaller and more manageable parts by defining the main elements of the problem.
  1. EXAMINE possible solutions
    Finding possible solutions is a very tricky step in the problem-solving process, as on the surface it looks like most of the work is already done and the ultimate goal is close. In reality, students should not just look for simplistic ways to address the elements of the problem.
  1. ACT on resolving the problem
    Developing a step-by-step execution plan and acting effectively and decisively is the final touch in the problem-solving process. This is also an important skill as it doesn’t matter how effectively students identify the problem, define its elements and examine possible solutions
  1. LOOK for lessons to learn
    At the moment when the problem is solved, students should sit down with all their problem-solving trees and action plans, either alone or together if it is a group project. This is the moment to look back and see if there is a need to tune up the work that has been completed.


When students tackle problems on their own, or in a group, they become resilient. They learn to look at challenges from a fresh perspective. Therefore,they take more calculated risks.
If students practice problem solving consistently, they can develop greater situational and social awareness. Additionally, they learn to manage time and develop patience.

Students who learn how to solve problems when they are young tend to appreciate lifelong learning. They are curious, motivated, and innovative.
Employers want new hires to think imaginatively, especially since many problems that society faces today are new.

Students who learn how to solve problems have a deeper understanding of cause and effect. Teachers often urge students to look for patterns or make predictions. Problem-solving skills, then, boost reflective, critical thinking.