Anarthas as explained by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
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- sva-tattva- or jiva-svarupa-bhrama (illusion
about one's spiritual identity)
- para-tattva-bhrama (illusion about the
spiritual identity of the supreme absolute
- sadhya-sadhana-tattva-bhrama (illusion
about sadhana-bhakti, the means of
spiritual perfection, and sadhya, the object
to be obtained by such sadhana, or in
other words prema-bhakti)
- maya-tattva-bhrama (illusion about the
Lord's external energy, maya)
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- varieties of desires for material enjoyment
in this world
- desires for enjoyment in the higher
planetary systems of Svargaloka
- desires for the attainment of the eight
mystic siddhis
- the desire for impersonal liberation
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- tuccha-asakti (attachment for useless
- kuti-nati (deceitful behavior. The word
kuti-nati may be broken down into the
constituent parts ku, bad or evil, and na or
nati, that which is forbidden. In that case it
would mean doing wicked deeds or doing
that which is forbidden)
- matsarya (envy)
- sva-pratistha-lalasa (desire for one's own
fame and prestige)
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- offences towards Sri Krsna
- offences towards krsna-nama
- offences towards krsna-svarupa (the deity
form of the Lord)
- offences towards the jivas (living entities
who are infinitesimal particles of spirit
belonging to the Lord)