My mental history/state: My mental history is a sheer and unavoidable driving force for my ability to continue on through any hardships I may face or have faced in my life in the past, present, or future. Especially given the fact I’ve struggled mentally quite a bit in the past few years with quarantine, OCD, ADHD, and anxiety, it is so close to my core that I always have it in the back of my mind as a reminder of what I’ve overcome and am able to achieve. My mental state affects how well I’m able to intake and process events in my daily life directly.

Learned empathy/understanding: My ability to adapt, intake, and export empathy for the individuals in my life is a skill I feel I’ve always naturally possessed, but have had to grow and strengthen over a long period of time in order to arrive as the person I am today. Through this ability, I’ve been able to connect and establish bonds with those I love or am beginning to love. I am able to be more in touch with the deeper emotional and mental meaning of people’s (including my own) actions, words, and messaging.

Natural environment: Viewing my surroundings on a daily basis led me to grow much closer to my roots and feel much more comfortable and knowledgeable in my natural environment. I have been and still am able to consciously open up to myself in the right setting and vent my emotions into a positive bonding experience (with nature especially).

Family history: My family history, while not always easy to accept, is the reason I (as a person) exist today. It offers an explanation as to why I’m affected by certain mental experiences in specific ways as compared to others who I know in my life. Finally, it gives me an insight into my own heritage and where I originated from genetically.

Athleticism: Being athletic for the majority of my life has helped me feel more confident in myself, but not only that, recognizing the privilege of being healthy physically and understanding how difficult it is to stay in shape and in condition for the road ahead. It has also guided me to stay committed to a greater cause in a team (for cross country). I have also been able to exert my built up energy into my own wellbeing.

Living in the bay area: While this attribute may seem small or slightly unimportant to some, I consider living in the bay area to be a fundamental part of my personality traits, disposition, and political beliefs. Culturally, where I live has also contributed heavily to my knowledge of different languages, cuisines, and religious beliefs, which has led to my love of diversity.

Formal private education: My formal private education has shaped everything from my conduct and (generally) respectful nature to my ability to absorb information and stay determined on assignments. It’s also one of the main reasons I was able to continue at my current school (moreau) after having to leave due to personal reasons. Without private education, I truly don’t think I would be in a healthy or positive state to this day.

Love for my closest role models: The love for the people who have guided me in the direction of success and happiness in my life is the main foundation and reasoning for even continuing and living my purpose. My goals and the possibilities in life to achieve them wouldn’t exist without the people who raised and loved me throughout my life. For this reason, my love for them is the solidity in my life that enables me to base my other logical, moral compass, and physical oriented actions in a proper cause.

Family moral education: This aspect of my moral compass is genuinely one of the main ways I live my life by. In my day-to-day activities, I use my family’s moral education just to simply determine whether or not to make a decision I’m unsure about. It’s a major influence on my actions, logic and reasoning, and emotional output concerning any given event going on around me.

Adaptation to my surroundings: As I’ve touched on previously, my ability to adapt and overcome my various obstacles in life has led me to gain a deeper insight on each moment occurring around me, and to gauge how I should react has created a better understanding of how certain contributing factors lead to various end results. This, in turn, helps me avoid many potential conflicts and challenges I may otherwise face without contemplation.











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