Bacon, Descartes & the Scientific Method

The scientific revolution

The scientific revolution is the situation that tell you about the new way of science they are many factor that make the science be develop. There are developments in mathematics,physics,astronomy,biology and chemistry these are all factor that make science be more develop

The sciencetific method

Sciencetific method make us to follow to make the way of science better you will get the good result by using sciencetific method there are many different part of sciencetific method.


research topic area

test with experiment


analyze data

report conclusion

In the history

Greece in 16to 17 centurie has the first science revolution it about 2000 year ago.

Roger bacon image

Also know as the scholastic accolable Doctor Mirabalis. He was an british people that give all of his life to educate the nature through empirism.

Famous for

He is the first European to describe in the detail of gunpowder and he proposed flying machine and motorized ship and carriages.

Francis Bacon image

He is the artist that pain the pitcher like the british people. He know as the person that make the pitcher on his way or also call unique his pitcher have human to be the struceture and make other detail to make his art work be beaatiful and weird. image

famous for

Image result for francis bacon
Francis Bacon was an English Renaissance statesman and philosopher, best known for his promotion of the scientific method

Famous sciencetist that found something

Isaac Newton image

He famous of invented optic and mathermatic call calculus. Also He famous of the three low of of motion and the modern physic which he famous of. He also develop the three law to the law of universal gravitional.

He make dicison to educate at british and focus developing the aristotle and rene project to get it be more develop.

He born and his father dead he look thin and weak next he get Raised by adoptive father and he die at March 31 1727

Galileo image

Galileo was an natural philosopher who is the astronomer and mathenatcian who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method.

Galileo invented the thermometer. He is not invented telescope but he keep develop it.

Kelper image

Kelper is the astronomer. He study to be theologian. He extremely interst inastronomer and his math professor support him about it.

Johannes Kepler is best known for his three laws of planetary motion.

  1. Planets move in orbits shaped like an ellipse.
    2.A line between a planet and the Sun covers equal areas in equal times.
    3.How long a planet takes to go around the Sun is related to the radius of the planet’s orbit.

Nicolaus Copernicus

He was the astronomer who found the heliocentric system,thet planet orbit around thesu

He studie medecine at Blogna university and university of puada.

Nicolaus Copernicus worked for a bishopric in Poland collecting rents; securing military defenses; overseeing chapter finances; managing a bakery, brewery, and mills; and caring for the medical needs of the other canons