HIsarna: unravelling the process
- Introduction
Need of HIsarna
Brief History
HIsarna process overview
Scale up, plan? (Check with Keon, if we can say anything)
Capability of HIsarna
Timeline (Table) (use reference)
Run year, name
Run Production/total, run aim
Fuel rate/reductant rate
SRV/Cyclone (prereduction in liquid state, add to the process efficiency)
no sinter/no coke
Flexibility for new raw materials
Oxygen injection/CO2 purity/capture opportunity
Advantages over peers and blast furnace
How is our emission level compare to BF and alternate Iron making technologies? SOx NOx, Particle? Table?
Need of a process descriptive model
HIsarna is a new Smelting reduction process
Need optimization
Process understanding required /expected behaviour after scale up
CO2 issue/climate agreement
HIsarna process descriptive model
General explanation, 7 zones/Figure
Main process
Secondary process
- Method
Para: IRMA
What is IRMA explain
How it is used in the current paper
Para: Run
Data selection method
For validation
Modelling box 4 using IRMA
Relating the model with the process data
- 1 Steady state run F3.2
4.2 SRV gas analyses and mixer model box 4
Explanation, how CFD is used in the present study
Para:Explain in detail (zone 1, 2 & 3)
Principal reactions in zone 1, 2 & 3
Para: Explain the assumption of steady state
Para: Example of minimum coal requirement, steady state condition
Para:Importance of C-volatile
Para:Lance angle and Char/
CHAR: Non wetting with slag (reference) and foam breaker (ref)
Para: Effect of droplets/surface area
Metal splash (de-carburisation and oxidation, balance)
Explain the background of the IRMA simulation
Input for box 4 (CO gas from 3 and C(char and vol) from box 5)
IRMA Mixer model(figure) redraw indicative flowsheet
Explain the flow-sheet (with methodology and assumption)
Explain the output and significance
General explanation
- Steady state (balance between FeO/F[C]
2.Optimal energy
Skull formation
Gas burned (heatloss)
Process stability
Steady state (data from F3.2)
Lance angle/height
Delta T (Slag-HM)
Optimal box 4 parameters
Brief recap
List of take away points
: Done: Raw material and product flow (Diagram and explanation)
Explanation of box 4, 5, 6
Increase the circularity, (refer-Reclamet, LOCO2Fe(50% Scrap))
In HIsarna emission is at single location, compare to the peers where we have sinter, pellet, coke and SR vessel for emission. GAs treatment can be performed at the single location.
Need of a "detailed process understanding" to predict the process behaviour (in cyclone and SRV)
IRMA papers can be referred
CFD calculation are slow
Conclusion and recommendations: include in conclusion: What need to be done in the future, areas of further development
behaviour of flux and impact on the process
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