A. BACKGROUNDFor the past twelve months, members of the ICOMOS National Committees of the Americas have studied, read and discussed the documents produced in 1994.B. CONSIDERATIONS AND ANALYSISAUTHENTICITY AND IDENTITYThe authenticity of our cultural heritage is directly related to our cultural identity.Because cultural identity is at the core of community and national life, it is the foundation of our cultural heritage and its conservation.The authenticity of our cultural resources lies in the identification, evaluation and interpretation of their true values.AUTHENTICITY AND HISTORYAn understanding of the history and significance of a site over time are crucial elements in the identification of its authenticity.AUTHENTICITY AND MATERIALSThe material fabric of a cultural site can be a principal component of its authenticity.AUTHENTICITY AND SOCIAL VALUEBeyond the material evidence, heritage sites can carry a deep spiritual message that sustains communal life, linking it to the ancestral past.AUTHENTICITY IN DYNAMIC AND STATIC SITESThe heritage of the Americas includes dynamic cultural sites that continue to be actively used by society.AUTHENTICITY AND STEWARDSHIPThe heritage of the Americas is characterized by very heterogeneous patterns of ownership and stewardship.AUTHENTICITY AND ECONOMICSThe authenticity of heritage sites lies intrinsically in their physical fabric, and extrinsically on the values assigned to them by those communities who have a stake in them.C. RECOMMENDATIONSGiven all of the above considerations, we the Presidents of the ICOMOS National Committees of the Americas hereby offer for discussion.GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS:That our appreciation be recognized for their hospitality during our meeting.That a process be established that will help to define and protect authenticity in the material legacies of our diverse cultural heritage.That further consideration be given to the proofs of authenticity. The following are some examples of indicators:Reflection of the true value.Integrity.Context.Identity.Use and function.That the existing principles contained in all pertinent charters and declarations be consolidated as part of the development of a comprehensive approach and guideline to the practice of heritage conservation.RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM GROUPThat proper recognition be given to the values inherent in the cultural diversity of our historic urban centers.That programs be established to develop a greater awareness.That governmental authorities and stewardship groups be made aware of the role of social and cultural values.That flexible and open processes for consultation and mediation be instituted.Since historic urban districts and towns are a type of cultural landscape, that many of the recommendations issued by the Cultural Landscapes Group also be applied to this sector of the heritage.RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES GROUPThat more attention be paid to authenticity in archaeological sites.That more analysis be dedicated to the relationship authenticity might have to such activities.That descriptive and accurate documentation be an absolute requirement.That all interventions and excavations in archaeological sites always be accompanied by a protection plan.That the authenticity of archaeological evidence be given proper protection.That authenticity be protected prior to artificial flooding.That if excavated sites are not properly attended to and managed, conservation measures must be considered.That a large part of the authenticity of an archaeological site resides in the undisturbed buried archaeological remains.That some archaeological sites are still held to be sacred.RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPES GROUPThat processes of negotiation be established to mediate among the different interests.That the process of determining and protecting authenticity be sufficiently flexible.That the concept of sustainable development be defined in order to include economic, s