Capacity building and strengthening indigenous women's networks and groups in local indigenous communities in Chiang Mai, Thailand in taping resources for own community development project,
implemented by IWNT



Indigenous women have capacity to strengthen their families, community networks, and society based on cultural heritage through equal participation and social recognition.


  • Capacity building for network core groups on related issues through systematic administrative structure that can facilitate network operation and expansion.
  • Promotion of environmental friendly cultural-based occupation, marketing, and food security.
  • Development of community as well as network mechanism to promote women’s role in the protection of women’s rights violation and discrimination.
  • Collaboration with multilateral networking for policy campaigning and public relations.
  • Participatory research and data-based development covering indigenous women and related variables.

Strategy period

2021 - 2025


Work manual

Regulations for human resource

Regulations for finance

Geographical areas and target groups

Geographical area

Chiang Mai

Target groups

Indigenous women (core and selected women)

Local authorities

Context and problem analyses

Risk analysis

Contextual risks


Climate change

Armed conflicts along the Thailand-Burma border

Unstable of Thai politics

Operational risks

Organizational financial instability

Turnover of staff

Lacking of good technology e.g. computer to do the work

Thailand is home to different indigenous groups; however the concept of indigenous peoples has no legal recognition in the country. This leads to their non-recognition especially in terms of rights to land, natural resources use and management, and livelihood. Because of their status, they continue to experience marginalization and exclusion in the country.

The indigenous women in Thailand experience further limitations due to their gender. The vast majority are raised in traditional patterns of upbringing that differ greatly between men and women.

However because of the decentralization Plans and Procedures Act of 1999, central government has started to decentralise their authority to local government unit through local people s participation. This has been an important step for the Thai politic as it had opened more opportunities for local people to participate in local politics and also to design their development journey. In addition, this had opened up a door for local indigenous people to design and plan for their community development.

According to IWNT experience and information, there is not much women’s participation and involvement in local politics especially in designing and planning the development plans and budget of the Ao.Bo.To/local sub-district offices due to their lack of confidence and also lack of knowledge on the local governance system.

Therefore, there is a need to build capacities for these local indigenous women based on their needs so that once they are confident, and equipped with the skills needed, they will be able stand up for themselves and lead their communities.

Log frame 2021-2023

Goal: To build capacities and strengthen the networks and groups of local indigenous women at sub-district level and train them to tap local resources available at sub-district and provincial level for development and betterment of local indigenous women at local level.

Objective 1: To develop a set of databases on role and status of indigenous women as well as their capacities building needs/training needs as individual and as group in 15 sub-districts in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Expected result 1.1: an understanding on role and status of indigenous women as well as their capacities building needs/training needs as individual and group in 15 sub-districts in Chiang Mai, Thailand and suggestions for strengthening it

Activity 1.1.1: Community mapping and surveys (1)

Objective 2: To develop a set of databases of 15 sub-district administration offices that could be potential donors for community and women development at local level

Expected result 2.1: an understanding of the development and budget planning process of the 15 sub-district administration offices and the channels indigenous women can engage with the system

Activity 2.1.1: Sub-district survey and mapping (2)

Objective 3: To train core-indigenous women’s leaders to be female community trainers on women empowerment- TOT training on women empowerment

Expected result 3.1: Core-indigenous indigenous women’s leaders received a series of training that are based on their needs with appropriation and friendly to their gender and contexts

Activity 3.1.1: Development of training curriculum (3)

Expected result 3.2: Community leaders and indigenous women’ members at sub-district level are informed about the project and assist the project with the selection of participants for the ToT training

Activity 3.2.1: Project inception at sub-district level (4)

Expected result 3.3: Core-indigenous women’s leaders are trained and equipped with necessary techniques and skills to be a trainer on the topic of gender, gender equality and women leadership

Activity 3.3.1: TOT training for core indigenous women's leaders on gender, gender equality and women leadership (5)

Expected result 3.4: Core-indigenous women’s leaders are trained and equipped with necessary techniques and skills to be a trainer on the topic of public speaking and facilitation skills

Activity 3.4.1: Public speaking and facilitation skills (6)

Expected result 3.5: Core-indigenous women’s leaders are trained and acquired necessary techniques and skills to be a trainer on the topic of lobby and advocacy including writing statements

Activity 3.5.1: Lobby and advocacy training including writing statements and complaint letters (7)

Expected result 3.6: Core-indigenous women’s leaders are trained and acquired necessary techniques and skills to be a trainer on the topic of local governance system and women engagement in local government system

Activity 3.6.1: TOT training for core indigenous women's leaders on local governance system (8)

Expected result 3.7: Core-indigenous women’s leaders are trained and acquired necessary techniques and skills to be a trainer on the topic of project proposal development

Activity 3.7.1: Project proposal development (9)

Expected result 3.8: Core-indigenous women’s leaders are trained and acquire necessary techniques and skills to be a trainer on the topic of project monitoring and evaluation

Activity 3.8.1: Project monitoring and evaluation (10)

Expected result 3.9: Core-indigenous women’s leaders are trained and acquire necessary techniques and skills to be a trainer on the topic of project report writing

Activity 3.9.1: Project report writing (11)

Objective 4: To provide capacity building for local indigenous women and strengthening indigenous women’s groups at local level on women empowerment using local indigenous women’s trainers trained by this project

Expected result 4.1: Local indigenous women’s leaders of targeted communities are empowered and equipped with necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to tap local resources for their community development

Activity 4.1.1: Training on gender, Gender equality and important of women leadership (12)

Activity 4.1.2: Training on public speaking and facilitation skills training (13)

Activity 4.1.3: Training on project proposal writing (14)

Activity 4.1.4: Project monitoring and evaluation (15)

Activity 4.1.5: Project report writing (16)

Expected result 4.2: Increased understanding and engagement of Indigenous women of target communities inn local governance system

Activity 4.2.1: Training on local governance system and community engagement (17)

Expected result 4.3: Local indigenous women of target communities form their own indigenous women’s group with clear structure and work to tap local resources for their own development

Activity 4.3.1: A workshop to discuss about the important of working together as “indigenous women’s network/group” and what forms of group and structure available (18)

Activity 4.3.2: Exposure to a group of women that has strong engagement with the sub-district administration office (19)

Activity 4.3.3: Proposal development- putting theory into practice by the trained indigenous women and their groups (20)