The first thing I learned from this habit is that there are two types of people. The reactive kind and the proactive kind. The first ones blame others for the bad things that are happening to them. And the second ones take the responsibility for the consequences of their actions. These 7 habits come like stairs. You can't achieve one unless you achieve the previous one. This lesson Is important in every situation of life. Going back to proactive and reactive people. We have to learn that every day we are presented with various situations that will make us decide between being reactive or proactive. Reactive people make choices based on impulses. They don't think before acting. Contrary, proactive people do think before acting, they analyze the situation and realize that some things can't be controlled by them, or if they can, they try to improve.Both groups have a specific type of language. And that language depends on the situation. The following examples are for reactive people: I'm not responsible for the way I am ; I'm not in control of my moods, you are ; I'm not in control of my own happiness.So you can identify that daily-situations and start trying to avoid them. By doing that, you will improve a lot. Another important point is that there are people who victimize for what happens to them. They blame other people for the bad things, instead of becoming better They don't visualize that maybe themselves are the problem. It is very easy to be reactive because we just let our emotions run out of control. Being proactive means going through the hard road, but maybe we can turn it into the easy road. If we start being proactive all the time, without realizing it, we will start to be proactive naturally.We should not worry about the things that we cannot, because if we do not, we will start to be less productive and we will never improve. The key is to focus on what we can control, since that way we will progress in what we get involved in. If you have had a problem that escapes your hands and you feel bad, tell someone you trust, because in that way you can relieve that burden that you may have.If you have a bad past or if your closest people have not gone the right way, you don't have to go down that way either. You can be the change of your family or friends and show them that you can get ahead and succeed.Oneself has to have the initiative to progress, we should not wait for someone else to tell us what to do, that’s the can-do attitude. In every stressful situation that we may encounter, we should always take a break and try to think about the best reaction we can have. We must have these 4 touls: self-awareness, for analyzing and recognising our actions. Conscience, listening to our inner voice to know right from wrong. Imagination, to envision new possibilities. Willpower, to have the power to choose.
sorry for so many words, but the reading was very extensive