The results in a study done by the Universal Journal of Psychology, show that there was a positive correlation between the usage of breathing techniques and sports performance. In other words, the higher the use of breathing techniques, the higher the level of sports performance. Many kinds of research had proved that breathing techniques benefit not only athletes involved in individual sports but also in team sports. However, even though the breathing method is the most straightforward technique of relaxation, but not many athletes are practicing it due to a lack of knowledge. The result showed that there is a positive correlation between the usage of progressive muscle relaxation and sports performance. In other words, the higher the use of progressive muscle relaxation, the higher the level of sports performance increases. Progressive muscle relaxation is a powerful technique to reduce oxygen metabolism, respiration, blood pressure, muscle tension, and negative thoughts. Also, “William & Harris” discovered huge benefits in concentrated breathing in athletes. While it may not be possible to implement a breathing exercise in the middle of a football match, for example, there are many scenarios in which the ability to relax through deep breathing can be profound. Many athletes struggle with ‘over-arousal,’ where they are overly anxious and stressed or even over-motivated, before matches, and this can have a debilitating effect on performance during the game. PMR and concentrated breathing techniques can help overcome these adverse pre-match effects by decreasing arousal to a more suitable level for the match situation, thus ensuring that performance is not adversely affected.