Science Revision

Energy Consumption

Fossil Fuels

Organic Chemistry

Energy Changes


Organic Chemistry

Fractional Distillation

Functional Group

Saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons

Viscosity, Volatility and Flammability




Hydrocarbon Series and Different Types Of






General Formulae to Recognise Members of the Homologous Series

Naming Rules

From different formulae



  • Molecular Formulae
  • Structural Formulae
  • Condensed Formulae

Trends in physical properties of Hydrocarbons:

  • Melting Point
  • Boiling Point
  • Viscosity
  • Volatility
  • Flammability

Combustion With Hydrocarbons

Predict the outcome

Balance combustion equation



Energy Consumption

Indirect Energy Consumption

How indirect energy consumption is associated with the

  • Production of consumer goods
    -> Energy is required to find the materials, get the materials, refine the materials, make the goods and ship them to you
  • Energy required to build homes
    -> Energy is required to find the materials, get the materials, refine the materials, ship them to the site and build the house
  • Energy for transporting goods
    -> Energy is required to find the materials, get the materials, refine the materials to make the transport vehicle and also the fuel for the vehicle, and then drive the goods
  • Energy requires for the production of food
    -> Energy is required to prepare the ground, plant the seeds, harvest the crops, ship them to the food packaging place, and package and ship the food

Direct use of energy in everyday life:

  • Lighting
  • Heating
  • Fuel for transport

Explain the cause and effect of the greenhouse effect

Define Carbon Capture

Define and describe the greenhouse effect

Evaluate the use of crude oil

Describe what is meant by 'fossil fuel'

Exo and Endothermic Reactions




Describe the energy change (triangle H) in end and exothermic reactions using +/-

Contrast the differences between ends and exo in terms of temperature change and energy transfer

Identify end and exo reactions from quantitative data




Relate system and surroundings to energy transfer

Activation Energy

The energy required for a reactions to start


State key features

Draw and analyse energy profile diagrams

Write equations for reactions that involve energy change

Use data to compare fuels


Reactants and products

triangle H positive or negative

Activation energy forward or reverse

Transition state

With and without a catalyst

Revise Definitions
Revise Energy Consumption
Go Over Right Side One More Time

Energy that is used in previous steps of producing a product

Energy that is used to produce a product that you use

All energy used to perform and action or manufacture something

The capacity to do work

The same chemical compound but has a differently arrangement of atoms

This gives it different properties

Hexane isomers

3-methyl Pentane

2,3-dimethyl Butane

2-methyl Pentane (Iso-Hexane)

2,2-dimethyl Butane


A fossil fuel is a substance made of compressed dead organic matter that is extracted from the ground for use of fuel

Carbon capture describes the process of carbon being absorbed by trees and oceans which stops its from being released into the atmosphere

The greenhouse effect is the process that warms the Earth from sunlight hitting it. It occurs when sunlight hits the Earth gets converted in infrared radiation and is reflected back to the atmosphere. It is then trapped by CO2 in the atmosphere and can be reflected back into the Earth. The radiation heats up the atmosphere and causes the climate to heat up.

A process use to seperate a mixture of liquids based on their boiling points

click to edit

Saturaed - Has the maximum amount of hydrogens possible

Unsaturated - Doesn't have the maximum number of hydrogens in it

Volatility - How easily a substances changes to a gas

Flammability - How easily a substances combusts

Viscosity - How thick and runny a liquid is