Buddhism: Buddhism was another reaction to Vedic tradition and arose in a similar way to Jainism. When people were not happy with the Vedic tradition, they would retreat to the forests and their groups of followers were made. Jainsists were extremely against violence and they wore masks and brushed their seats before sitting and ate only what was given to them. Buddha tried living this way to achieve a sense of spiritual insight but wasn't able to do so and so he developed a more moderate path. There were no deities that had to be strictly followed in order to reach enlightenment. Once one was enlightened, they would exit the cycle of reincarnation and enter nirvana where they would be free. There were 4 truths of Buddhism which were: life is full of suffering, suffering arises from desire, the solution to suffering is giving up desire, and giving up desires comes from the eightfold path which consists of right views, aspirations, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, meditation. The 2 types of Buhhadism are Mahayana and Theravada.