NETWORK Ines Adrogue & Josefina Madero
Modulates and demodulates signals
Connects many computers to a LAN (Local Area Network)
Connects many computers to a LAN
Connects one LAN to another LAN
Allows a LAN to join a WAN (Wide Area Network)
Allows the compute to connect to networks
Receives data and sends it to all the computers connected to the network
Distributes the data to the appropriate computer(s) only
Often used to connect different part of one LAN to work together as one
Types of Network
Wireless Local Area Network
Local Area Network
Sharing resources
Sharing software
This avoids needing to download and storing the whole software file.
You can stream software using web applications.
It is easy to share resources like printers or scanners.
Wide Area Network
Confined to one building or site, so they use cables or low-power radio (wireless) for the connections. They are usually private networks.
Uses radio signals (WiFi) to connect computers instead of cables.
Network that extends over a large area. Joins several LANs together. As there are long distances between computers, exotic connections technologies are required, such as: optical fibre cables, satellite radio links, microwave radio links, etc.
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What is a network about?
A network are two or more electronic devices connected together so that they can exchange data.text.
It allows us to communicate with other people on the network (e-mails, messaging, videos).
Placed between your computer and the rest of the network, to protect it from hackers.
Viruses can spread really fast and easy.
You are open to scams like phishing and web cam invasions.
If part of the network fails, this can cause the whole network to fail.
Personal Area Network
Wireless networking technology designed for very short-range connection and low-power radio signals.
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A long central cable used to connect all the computers together, each computer has a small cable that connects to it.
Every computer is connected to a central device, that passes messages between computers. IN the center you may use a Hub, or a switch.
Mainly used to get rid of the need of cables within the computer and other elements (such as a speaker, the keyboard, mouse or printers. It is also implied when transferring data from one computer to another.
Each computer is connected to a loop of cables, the "ring". All the computers are joines together
A hybrid network connects two or more of the other topologies.
Computer network based on internet technology but designed to exchange information within a single organisation or company.
An extranet is the type of connection where other people from the outside can connect to the internal intranet.
Worldwide collection of networks that allows users exchange data: emails, online chats, file transfers, browse world wide
Connect together different devices to make up a network
Proxy Server
A computer setup to share a resource, usually an Internet connection.