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Vocabulary and Structures image - Coggle Diagram
Vocabulary and Structures
Generaly Vocabulary
Employee - Empleado
He took a job as waiter - El acepto el trabajo de mesero.
Employer - Empleador
Job - Trabajo
Commuter - Una persona que viaja del trabajo.
Occupation - Ocupación
A regular job - Un trabajo normal.
Profession - Profesión
To earn one´s living - Como te ganas la vida.
To run a firm - Diriguir una firma.
Trede - Comercio.
What do you do for a living ? - A que te dedicas?
Woker - Trabajador
I wake up- Despertar
I get up - Levantarse
I takes a shower - tomar una ducha.
I get dressed - Me visto.
I comb my hair - Me cepillo el pelo.
I have breakfast - Desayunar
I go to work - Ir al trabajo.
I start work - Yo comienzo a trabajar.
I answer emails - Yo respondo correos.
I have lunch - Almuerzo.
I finish work - Terminando de trabajar.
I arrive home - llego a casa.
I feed the dog - Yo le doy de comer al perro
I cook dinner - Yo cocinando la cena.
I have dinner - Cena
I watch TV - Ver televisión
Go to bed - Irse a la cama
Go sleep - Dormir
Positive Habits
I read books
I drink two litters of water.
I swin
I wake up early
Negative Habits
I get up late
I arrive late.
I break the rules.
I bite my nails.
I snore.
Ad verbs and expressions of frequency
Subjet + Ad verb + Main Verb
Daniel always passen his exams
Subjet + BE + Ad verb
He is always happy.
Ad verbs of Frequency
100 % Always
90% Usually
80% Normaily / generally
30% Occasionally
10% Seldom
5% Hardly ever / Rarely
50% Sometimes
0% Never
How often ?
A month
3 Times
4 Times
Reading vocabulary
Bizarre - Extraño
Think ou their feet - Pensar rapidamente
Approach - Enfoque
Demanding - Exigente
Job seckers - Buscadores de empleo
Flapping - Aleteando
Recruitment agency - Agencia de reclutamiento
Flustered - Nervioso
Crush them - Hacerlos sentir mal
Rather than - En vez de / En lugar de