satirical comedy involving eccentric characters, each representing a temperament / humour of humanity. Based on the medieval theory of the four humours black bile or melancholy, yellow bile or choleric, and phlegm. According to this theory the balance or predominance of one of this fluids over the others in the body determined the disposition of an individual. Jonson's character became types = ridiculous and farcical caricatures representing personifications of vices (avarice, vanity, duplicity, ecc..)
The theorynof the 4 humours related to the theory of four elements earth, air, fire and water, each having qualities in common with the four humours: dry, cold, moist and hot. Cold + dry= earth and melancholic type; hot+moist = air and the sanguine; hot+dry = fire and the choleric; cold+ moist= water and the phlegmatic
Most important comedies:
- Every Man in His Humour 1598 comedy of intrigue, absurdities of the characters. The prologue contains an exposition of his theory of four humours
- Every Man out of His Humour 1599 sequel to the first comedy it portrays eccentric characters whose names indicate their humour (Buffone, Fastidius, Sordido)
- Cynthia's Revels 1600 satire on contemporary court types depicted through mythological characters, Cynthia = Queen Elizabeth
- The Poetaster 1601 dealing with the Wars of the Theatres, a controversy that represented the quarrels and rivalries of the dramatists of the time. It satirizes Dekker and Marston, 2 contemporary playwrights, under the name of Crispinus and Demetrius while Jonson himself figures as Horace
- Epicoene, or the Silent Woman 1609 a comedy in prose relating the story of a man unable to stand noise, who lives surrounded by silence but eventually decides to marry a young silent girl who turns to be an incessant talker
- The Alchemist 1610 a satirical comedy dealing with a pretended alchimist whose victims are attracted by the hope of easy gold
- Bartholomew Fair 1614 a satire on the hypocrisy of the Puritans and the licentiousness of London
greatest success
Volpone is an avaricious Venetian man without heirs who is surrounded by equally greedy friends trying to secure his estate upon his death. With the help of his servant Mosca, he pretends to be dying and tricks his friends by inducting them to bring him expensive gifts in the expectation to become heirs. Eventually both Volpone and Mosca are exposed and punished by the Senate