Carbon Neutrality

Hydrometallurgy vs Pyrometallurgy

Renewable Energy image

Carbon output = carbon input

less use of coal

Carbon capture

alternative process (hydrometallurgy)
is not applicable to all metals

energy from biomass

where can hydromet be used as alternative to pyromet in the Philippines


Macro (policy-level) + Micro (specific solution)

Decarbonization of Steel Production (MIRDC + MGB)

direct iron reduction

blast furnace with blast furnace gas processing

direct electrolysis of iron ore

hydrogen fuel

carbon capture and storage/disposal

10 minutes

Policy (ex. Clean Air Act)

Feasible, business-oriented

Technological-readiness level (preferred TRL 4 and above or with published works) image


Contact people from industry/company (client) > propose a solution to the problems of the industry (knowhow) > contact with proponents of the solution (knowwho) > interview with client

Venture > know who > knowhow

Target company/solution

Nickel for EVs
(nickel is one of the components of hydrogen electrolyzers)

High Value recycling

Knowing Carbon footprint (macro or micro)

Philippines' pledge on Paris Agreement

Philippines and its CO2 profile (ref:

in 2019. distribution of carbon emission in ph (based on fuel used) image

philippine economy is still reliant on downstream and upstream processes that produce/emit co2 (correlation between the inc in GDP wrt consumption-based and production-based co2 emission) image

CO2 emission distribution (based on sector) image

ph is one of the leading producers of nickel in the world image

Metallurgical Processes in the Philippines

Metal (copper,gold,REE) concentration


Gravity Concentration


Hydrometallurgical Processes

Gold cyanidation and adsorption

Pyrometallurgical Processes


EAF (steelmaking from scarp iron)

Induction furnace steel making

copper smelting

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Philippine Metallurgical Industry

50 metallic mines (11 gold mines, 3 copper mines, 29 nickel mines, 4 chromite mines and 3 iron mine)

5 processing plants (2 gold processing plants, 2 nickel processing plants and 1 copper smelter plant)

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Didipio Copper Gold (OceanaGold Philippines): copper, gold, silver (FTAA)

Carmen and Lutopan (Carmen Copper Corporation): copper, gold, silver (MPSA

Coral Bay HPAL (Coral Bay Nickel): mixed nickel-cobalt sulphide (MPP)

Padcal Copper-Gold (Philex Mining): copper, gold, silver (MPSA)

Masbate Gold (Filminera Mining): gold, silver MPP

Taganito HPAL (Taganito HPAL Nickel Corporation): mixed nickel-cobalt sulphide (MPP)

Mindanao Mineral Processing and Refining (Philsaga Mining Corporation/Mindanao Mineral Processing): gold, silver (MPP)

Cagdianao Nickel (Platinum Group Metals): nickel (MPSA)

Rio Tuba Nickel (Rio Tuba Nickel): nickel (MPSA)

Physical Metallurgy Industry

195 foundries (as of 2003)

CO2 and other resource consumption when processing Nickel: