Topic 1.3 Asset Security


Security Process

Internal - Theft by Employee

External -Theft by Guest and Intruders

There are legal, ethical and financial reasons to keep guests, employees and company's possession secure as cost of the stolen property can be very high cost.

Security threat can arise from internal and external sources. The of security will depend on the perceived degree of threat in the area

Establish Security Priorities

Organisation of Security System

1. Analyse and Identify vulnerable Area/Process

Service apartments offers extensive area that is easy access to guests. They need to reduce the vulnerability of property and guests by identifying the weakest and exposed elements to reduce crime or illegal activities.

As their probability of occurrence and impact on the operation vary, not all risks merit equal attention. As a basic security to ensure guest privacy and security, separate public areas and private accommodation.

Patrol at night especially at night

Spread awareness of security by reminding guest to keep valuable in the safe and recommend them to look through spy hole before opening doors.

Security should be present but keep it low profile as possible

Training program that include understanding security roles and reporting suspicious person loitering around and when spotted weapon or drugs.

Steal due to desperate needs or felt unfair treatment by employers/superior.

internal security is lax and easily access for theft to occur

For example in Food and Beverage Operation , implement stock take on inventories such as liquor to identify any discrepancies.

For example in Housekeeping Operation, employees are exposed to opportunities to steal any cleaning supplies, linen as they have access to all guest rooms. Cleaning material should be monitored and resupply on an exchange basis for used materials to tally the usage. For example, exchanging empty cans of cleaning detergent to stock for new one to deter internal theft

Ways to minimise theft

Key-Control System -

Parking - Employee parking their vehicles far away from buildings to prevent goods from premises to be easily accessed.

Designated Entrance/exist - limit exits so security can control and monitor individual from exiting the premises

Parcel-Pass System - present signed authorisation to remove any item from premises

Only allow credit card to minimise theft of towel, bathroom appliance, coffees makers and pillows.

Housekeeper are to trained to report any missing item from the room and identify guest taking them

Vector-borne and Infectious Diseases

A pandemic is an outbreak resulting spreading of the infectious disease worldwide.

For example, SARS in 2003 and H1N1 Influenza in 2009 and covid 19 in 2019

Effective method to reduce spread of virus and bacterias

Disinfection - Use effective cleaning solution to kill specific bacteria and germs

Sanitation - cleaning surfaces, article and material

Sterilisation - Use steam to eliminate germs and wash items at high temperatures