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New World in the making., The spread of the Industrial Revolution, The…
Reaction and revolution: The decline of the old order.
The economic and social foundations of the European society together with the Industrial Revolution, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the French Revolution resulted in a
redefinition of political conditions in Europe.
Liberalism and Nationalism. :black_flag: LIBERALISM: People proclaimed the autonomy of the individual against the power of the state. Opinions diverged among people classified as liberals, each of them began with a common denominator, a conviction that in both economic and political termis, people should be as free from rstraint as possible. Liberalism Political liberalism was based on the concept of a constitutional monarchy r constitutional state, with limits on the powers of government and a written character to protect the basic civil rights of the people.
:black_flag: NATIONALISM: was an even more powerful ideology for change in the nineteenth century. The idea arose out of an awareness of being part of a community that have common institutions, traditions, language, and customs. Such a community came to be called a "nation", and the primary political loyality of individuals would be to this nation rather than, as was the case in much of Europa at that time, to a dynasty or a city-state or some other political unit.
:warning:Roots of revolution in Russia Russia was overwhelmingly rural, agricultural and autocratic. The Russia tsar was still regarded as a divine-right monarch with unlimited power. For centuries, Russian farmers had groaned under the yoke of an oppressive system that tied the peasants to poverty conditions and the legal status of serfs under the authority of their manor lord.
Alexander II Russian revolution
:crown: The Ottoman Empire and Nationalism in the Balkans The Ottom Empire was threatened by the rising nationalist aspirations of its subject peoples. Expantion of the Ottoman Empire In the course of the nineteenth century, the Balkan provinces of the Ottoman Empire began to gain their freedom, although the intense rivalry in the region between Austria-Hungary and Russia complicated the Timeline
The structure of mass society. A mass society meant new forms of expression for the lower classes as they benefited from the extension of voting rights, an improved standard of living, and cumpolsory elementary education
:silhouettes: Social structure: :check: MIDDLE CLASS: Middle level of the bourgeoisie that included professionals in law, medicine and the civil service as well as moderately well-to-do industrialists and merchants. Their chief preoccupation was the provision of goods and services for the classes above them.
:check: THE WORKING CLASS: Constitued almost the 80% of the population of Europe. In rural areas, many of these people were landholding peasants, agricultural laborers, and sharecroppers, especially in eastern Europe. Only about 10% of the British population worked in agriculture. There was the widespread practice of child labor. Working conditions for underage workers were often abysmal. Working conditions
:woman::skin-tone-2: Changing roles for women. Under the impact of the Industrial Revolution, women began to accept employments as clerks, typists, secretaries and salesclerks. Compulsory education opened the door to ew opportunities in the medical and teaching professions. In some countries in western Europe, women's legal rights increased. Women during the Industrial Revolution Before the World War I, demands for women's rights were being heard throughout Europe and the United States, although only in Norway and some American states as well as in Australia and New Zeland did women actually receive the right to vote before 1914.
:black_flag:Liberalism Triumphant
By 1871, Great Britain had a functioning two-party parliamentary system. For fifty years, the Liberals and Conservatives alternated in power at regular intervals. Both were dominated by a coalition of aristrocratic landowners frequently involved in industrial and financial activities and upper-middle-class businessment. But both also saw th necessity of adopting political reforms and completed in supporting legislation that expanded the right to vote.
Democratic changes
The United States and Canada:!: Between 1860 and WWI :arrow_right: United States made a shift from agrarian to industrial nation. This industralization led urbanization. By 1900, the United States had become the world’s
richest nation and greatest industrial process. The progressive movement Canada, too, faced problems of national unity be-
tween 1870 and 1914. Post confederation Canada
:earth_americas:Tradition and change in Latin America Changes:
:pencil2: Portugal dominated Brazil :pencil2: Spain formed a vast empire :pencil2: Creation of a diverse population. :statue_of_liberty: EMERGENCE OF INDEPENDENT STATES: One of the goals of the independence movement had been to free the economies of Latin America from European control and to exploit the riches of the continent for local benefit.
:moneybag: PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC DEPENDENCE: Between 1870 and 1913, British investments, grew from £85 million to £757 million, which constituted two-thirds of all foreign investment in Latin America.
The rise of the Socialist Movement Because of the rapid population growth taking place in most industrializing societies in Europe, factory owners remained largely free to hire on their own terms, based on market forces.
It could feed more people at lower prieces with less labour.