Plastic bags are cleaner and there are lesser germs in it compared to reusable bags, which contains more bacteria as people who use them are not aware that they should wash them regularly, thus, when they are in supermarkets and food is stored in reusable bags, the bacteria could spread to the food, and even to checkout counters where other's food could be affected too, this could lead to health problems for the people who consume the food. On the other hand, plastic bags are often clean and there are lesser bacteria in it as it is not often reused, people often use it only once, for example, to bring food back from the supermarket, and afterwards, they will store it somewhere in their house after using it or even discard it as they know that upon going back to the supermarket, they will receive a new plastic bag to store their food items.
The Reason Foundation article stated that reusing bags in the warmer months could lead to an increase in bacteria.
Thus plastic bags should not be banned as they are more sanitary than reusable bags as they contain lesser bacteria and germs, therefore, there will be a lesser spread of bacteria and germs.