Secular and Religious plays co-existed- Emily H.

Pasos- Emily H.

Produced quadrupole the amount of play that were made in England during the English Renaissance. Abigail H

Moors were often view as evil or dirty individuals in plays during the Spanish Golden Age despite all of the contributions they made to the area prior to the ruling of Isabella and Ferdinand.
Abigail H

Autos Sacramentales was a popular religious- Kylie S.

Comedias Nuevas was a popular secular- Kylie S.

Hispania Ulterior and Citerior. -Dominika

Popular playwrights came together to standardize verse, structure, and style - Jenna C

Four times as many plays produced than the English Renaissance - Jenna C

Capa y espada (cape and sword) - Shannon F.

Octosyllable - Shannon F.

Octosyllable writing style and structure. Rhyming every second line.
Brian L

Autos- Ordinance of the Sacraments. Emphasized Spain's dedication to Catholicism
Brian L

Hispania: Tarraconensis, Lvsitania, Baetica, Vlterior, Citerior

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PUNIC WARS - After the loss of First Punic War, Carthaginians settled and conquered. In the Second Punic War, Carthaginians lost against Hannibal and Roman Empire conquered the lost land including the Iberian Peninsula, and present day Spain. It is conquered by Spain and Portugal.

(Sidhant Purswani)

Tariq Ibn-Ziyad was the leader of the Moorish people who took over Hispania after the demise of the Western Roman Empire and made it a caliphate region.
(Sidhant Purswani)

Spanish Inquisition - Eliminating all the Moors from Spain or forcing them to convert to Catholism Lynn P.

King Philip II kick started Golden Age by bringing in artists from other countries - Lynn P.

Redondillas- ABBA rhyming, 8 syllables, and 4 trochaic lines. - Andrea A

Plays performed in courts, festivals, and church environments. - Andrea A

Commedia - Joseph P