Why was there a rapid expansion of empire building in the nineteenth century?

New technological advances


Machine guns

Fast-firing rifles

New explorers and missionaries

Dr Livingstone

Kept detailed records of places that had never been mapped before

Some were juist seeking adventures and others were just looking for opportunities to make themselves very wealthy

Cecil Rhodes

Conquered a huge area of Africa.

Economic reasons

Three key economic motives for building and expanding an empire

New markets

Cheap labour

Raw materials

Population growth

Europe's population increased rapily

Acute land shortages in the countryside and overcrowding in the cities

200 million to 600 million

Nationalism and national rivalries

(Many) Europeans leaders wanted colonies to compete with rival European powers.

Some were colonized even though there wasn't no economic reason to have them

Others were an economic drain on the imperial powers

Strategic reasons

Britain had a huge navy than other Europeans

India was an important colony for them

Recuited Indian soldiers under British officers

Reliable supply of coal to fuel a navy was also important

Needed to be able to take on fuel and food at stations en route to lands far from Europe