Justification of practices

Reg 4
No practices or source within a practices shall be authorized unless the practices produces sufficient benefit to the exposed individuals or to society to offset the radiation harm that it might cause , that it unless the practice is justified, taking into the social, economic and other relevant factor.

Optimization of protection and safety

Reg 5
Every licensee shall ensure that for all exposure from any particular radiation source within a practice, except for medical exposure, protection and safety shall be optimized

-magnitude of individual doses, the number of people exposed and the likelihood of incurring exposure should be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)

Dose constraint

Every licensee shall ensure that, except for medical exposure, , the optimization of the protection and safety measures associated with any particular radiation source with 2 main responsible.

Dose limit

Reg 7
Every licensee shall ensure that no worker or student or member of public receive exposure from practice exceeds than relevent dose limit.


member of public

apprentices and students

special circumstances

Part III Occupational exposure
Regulation 15 - Regulation 40

Responsibilities of licensee and employer

Reg 15
(1) Every licensee and employer of workers who are engaged in activities involving normal exposure and potential exposure shall be responsible for the protection of workers from occupational exposure and other relevant requirement determined by appropriate authority.

Classification of workers

Reg 17
(1) and (2) the licensee shall classify working areas into clean, supervised and controlled areas to determine the boundaries of the area into account of the likelihood and magnitude of potential exposure and nature and extent of required protection and safety procedure.

Employment of radiation protection officer and qualified expert

Reg 16
licensee shall employ radiation protection officer as approved by the appropriate authority to carry out the duties

Personal protective equipment

Reg 20
The licensee shall ensure that workers are provided, where appropriate, with suitable and adequate personal protective equipment such as protective clothing, protective respiratory equipment, protective aprons, gloves and organ shields


Example regulation in
medical exposure

Justification of medical

Reg 42
medical exposure shall be justified by weighing diagnostic and therapeutic benefit produced by exposure against the radiation detriment caused, taking into the account the benefits and risks of other available techniques that do not involve medical exposure

Optimization of protection
from medical exposure

Reg 43
The requirements in respect of the optimization of protection from medical exposure shall be considered to be in addition to the optimization of protection and safety from exposure as specified in regulation 5.

Design consideration

Reg 44
While designing any installation or facilities for radiation sources and equipment used in medical exposure, the licensee shall take into several consideration which specified in Reg 45, Reg 46 and Reg 47

Regulation 41 - Regulation 58

Example regulation in occupational exposure

Patient not to be discharged
from hospital

Reg 56
A patient who has undergone a therapeutic procedure with sealed or unsealed source shall not be discharged from hospital until the activity of radioactive material in the body falls below the guidance level as specified in Table IV of the Sixth Schedule.

Investigation, notification and reporting
of accidental medical exposure

Reg 57
The licensee shall notify the appropriate authority of all accidental medical exposures within twenty-four hours after the occurrence of such accidental medical exposures.

Responsibilities of licensee or employer


Regulations 59 - Regulations 64

Example regulations in public exposure

Protection of exposure to public

Reg 59
The licensee shall be responsible, in respect of any radiation source under his supervision for several purposes mentioned in the regulation

Control of visitors

Reg 60
The licensee shall ensure that :
(a) every visitor to a controlled area is accompanied by a person who has knowledge about radiation protection and safety measures for that area
(b) provide adequate information and instructions to visitors before they
enter a controlled area to ensure appropriate protection of the visitors
(c) ensure adequate control over the entry of visitors to any supervised

Control and monitoring of
radioactive discharge

Reg 62
The licensee shall not discharge any radioactive material, nuclear material or prescribed substance into the environment unless certain condition such as the discharge is within the discharge limit as authorized by the appropriate authority

Monitoring of public exposure

Reg 63
The licensee shall, requires establish and carry out an environmental monitoring programme to assess the public exposure

Part I - Part X

Regulation 4 - regulation 14


Regulation 65 - regulation 71

Example regulations in PART VI

Safety procedure for potential exposure

Reg 65
The licensee shall ensure the safety of the radiation source and the system associated with the radiation source, which is in his possession or under his control.

Prevention of accidents

Reg 67
The licensee shall make suitable arrangements to prevent as far as possible, any accident that could reasonably before seen for any radiation source which is in his possession or under his control, and to limit the consequences of any accident that occurs.

Emergency plans

Reg 68
The licensee shall establish an emergency plan for responding to and correcting every reasonably foreseeable emergency situation involving a radiation source






