Pupil Premium
DfE Guidance Summary
1. Purpose & Scope
Disadvantaged pupils
have extra challenges
in reaching potential
Do not perform as
well as peers
PPG to improve progress
and exam results
£1,345 per pupil
Not based on 'ability'
academically able
at most danger of
2. Uses of Pupil Premium -
a 'Tiered Approach'
Training & CPD for all staff
benefits all pupils
Academic Support
Provide extra help to address
main issues facing pupils
Wider Approaches, eg:
- Breakfast Clubs
- Music Lessons
- Trips & Visits
- S&L Therapy
Use the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
research to inform spending
Non-Eligible Pupils can be
supported (Social Worker, Carer)
EEF Guide
Schools Can Make a Difference
(Great Teaching & Careful Planning)
Evidence Can Help
(getting the 'cost' and 'effectiveness'
balance right)
Quality Teaching Helps Every Child
(don't create 'artificial separation' of PPG
pupils and whole class)
Support Middler/High Attainers Too
(HA at Primary can underachieve at Secondary)
Implementation Matters
(small number of priorities
more easily sustained)
EEF - Phonics
- Quality Training?
- Quality Teaching?
- Quality Resources?
- Assessment & Intervention?
EEF - Behaviour Interventions
- Quality Training
- Consistent, High Expectations
EEF - Collaborative Learning**
- Peer turtoring in Maths
CPD Built in for:
- Feedback
- Phonics Training
- Mastery Teaching Support
- High Leverage Knowledge Teaching
- Metacognition in Writing (and Reading)
- Subject Knowl;edge in Science, Computing
- Comprehension & Reading Strategies
EEF - Mentoring
- Pupil Mentor
EEF - One to One Tuition
- In House
EEF - Peer Tutoring
- In Maths
- Explore Writing
EEF - Comprehension Reading Strategies
EEF - Reducing Class Size
EEF - Mastery Learning
EEF - Metacognition
Early Years Interventions
EEF - Oral Language Interventions