hass yr 9 term 3

separation of powers

legislation branch

make laws

executive branch

implement the laws

judicial branch

make judgements of the law

levels of government




ex. waste collection

ex. schools and hospitals

ex. trade

types of voting

preferential voting

'first past the post'

Allows a fairer representation of what people prefer based on preference

no votes wasted as they are redistributed across all parties until a majority is reached

whoever gets the most votes in the first preference would win. this means that votes are wasted and less than a majority is needed

types of offence

types of criminal offence


levels of court

high court of australia

the supreme court

magistrates court

district court

types of civil offence

minor crimes heard by a magistrate

Minor theft and minor traffic


Murder, arson, dangerous
driving causing death,

breach of contract

where someone believes someone else has failed to carry out the terms of a legally binding contract


where someone believes they have suffered harm due to someone else making false statements publicly


when someone doesn't take proper care of something, mostly causing harm

rule of law

political party election

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all persons, institutions, and entities are accountable to laws. no one is above the law

I was named save Australia party and was knocked out in the 1st round. the winners of the election were the "blues" party

serious crimes that require a trial by judge and jury

factors that undermine Australia's justice system

the media

coercion of witnesses/suspects

ways that laws can be made

common laws

the media can give a preconception of guilt before a trial is heard

police can take advantage of people with learning disabilities and non English speakers to trick them into giving a false confession

statutory laws

this law is made when a judge has to make a decision that hasn't been made before

this is a type of law that is passed through the levels of parliament

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