21D2 - 21st Century Learning & Training

What frightens us?

What excites us?

What is the same?

What has changed?



corporal punishment

Access to information

use of computers


Feeling deficient



Insecurities regarding LLN Gaps


Teaching skills for jobs that dont exsist yet


phones in classrooms

Using Units of competency


the strap no longer exists

New personal challenge


Speed of information

Group and One on One Settings


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Lack of knowledge about technology

Processes - Learning and Assessment

Youthful exuberance

Personality clashes

Privacy considerations

Political/Religious/Cultural Clashes

Keeping you in touch with the future

Structure - Teacher to student (Teacher teaching subject to learners)


Professional Indemnity

opportunity to change career

Motivation on a personal level

Maintaining work/life balance



online training

The family unit

transfer our experience to others


Online learning = socially/physically isolating


Bullying and Harassment

Future looks bright with education

Hormones = Cortisol/Stress

Technical difficulties i.e. loss of internet



online learning'

Complaints and litigation

learning new things

Global knowledge and cultures shared

Fear of judgement, rejection, losing control

Can learn from the shared online resources


crowds (Agrophobia)

Access to resources

letting yourself down


Trainer expectation

Developing new skill sets'

letting yourself down

Meeting new people, creating vast networks

disapointing others

Aligning with people in your area of interest

Disciplinary process

Training environment

Endless possibilities of providing training in creative ways

More focus on mental wellbeing

financial concerns

facilitating the potential for job opportunities

Disability Accessibility

too much or not enough

Expanding knowledge bank and stimulating the mind for extensive learning and growth


Public speaking

Higher enrolment rates due to peoples understanding about the importance of education

Buliding Confidence

Supportive community mindset which enables connectedness and motivation

Cultural Diversity

Cultural Understanding (religious, beliefs, rituals)

external supports and speciality help

Peers/classmates going through similar life experiences or learning environments - improves sense of connectedness and decreases sense of isolation. Promotes the "in
this together mentality"

The unknown path of a new career

Face to face delivery methods now changed to online



Concentration on personalised learning re: VAK

More compliance/box ticking/almighty dollar

Experiencing diferent cultures

Technology Expectations

Moving onto collaborative/teamwork learning to simulate workplace requirements

Concentration of things to learn

Learning new languages

Gaps in training

Sights, tastes and smells

Handling Disciplinary scenarios

Information overload

sorting through and processing relevant info

Goals, wanting to achieve a higher level of education

Being on the cusp of a new era in learning.
How is technology going to change the way we do things and/or will it change the way we do things?

The Human Condition

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Emotions and external stress still the same

Experience still counts

Can't put an old head on young shoulders

still sitting on uncomfortable chairs designed last C

Technological changes in our field

lack of quality trainers

Seeing how much our field has changed from the past to today.