Vaccination passports


Vaccine Resistance

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scab or pus on healthy person

Benjamin Frnaklin against it

Oneismus slave taught to ministr Cotton Mather who urged during 1721 Samllpox outbreak - Armed resistance bombed his clinic

1809 Mass. requires smallpox variolation

1853 UK Vaccination Act 3 months old

Anti-Vaccination League of London

Later innoculation with Cowpox

1885 100K demonstrate in Leicester

1896 Act removed penalties and introduced "conscientious objectors

1905 Supreme Court decision Jacobson vs. Mass. State's right to require vaccines. Still in force. 1922 Zucht v. King School Attendance

1920s-1970s More Vaccines diphtheria, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella

1970s Rosalyn Carter and Betty Bumpers GA and AK campaign to get all school age kids vaccinated

Yelow Card International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis


1933-1951 Cholera, Yellow Fever, Typhus, Smallpox, Immunity to Yellow Fever 1969 English and French Cholera, Plague, Smallpox, yellow fever - 1969 removed plague as condition of entry 1973- removed Cholera as condition

Smallpox was big win

Only yellow fever from then on

My experience Viet Nam and Thailand

Chicken pox, DTP, Flu, MMR, Polio, Hep A, Hep B, Jap Encephalitis, Measles, Typhoid Big Ass needle

All went in the little yellow book.

Vaccination Passport not immunity Passport

An immunity passport or vaccine passport, also known as an immunity certificate,[1] recovery certificate[2] or release certificate[3] is a document, in both paper and digital format, attesting that its bearer is immune to a contagious disease.[4] Similar to quarantine, public certification is an action that governments can take to mitigate an epidemic.[5]

Current State Digital Passports

China ALiPay and WeChat Only Chinese citizens Pfizer, Moderna and Jannsen

EU EUDCC Green Pass Allows travel across EU 27 countries QR code for vaccinated, recovered or recent negativetest.

France is using pass for liesure activities of more than 50 people.

US COVID vaccine certificte not encoded easily forged

IATA Travel Pass Quantas, Singapore, Air New Zealand Iphone and biometri passport like US

March 15 2021 USG said it would not issue Vaccine citing privacy and human rights concerns


Perverse incentives

Black Market Huge incentive to counterfeit

Fedi de Sanita - Proof of quarantine or exception 1700s

Excelsior Pass NY State Digital Vacc good for one year, PCR test good for 3 days, Antigen test good for 6 hours.


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Not every country has access to vaccine so poor people are incentivized to get the disease rather than the vacc.

restricting social, civic, and economic activities, immunity passports may "compound existing gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality inequities.

Principle: It is not fair to not have a passport it would be disproportionate to deprive immune persons – who can neither infect themselves nor others – of their basic freedoms.

Fatuous arguments. What if we had the same thing for obesity

smallpox variolation 1-2% died Smallpox killed 30%