Physio research group publications

Pre-shock pause

Shorter pre-shock pause did not improve survival to hospital admission or discharge
Beesems, 2016

Shorter pre-shock and post-shock pauses improved chest compression fraction (increased CPR time)

Recurrent VF

Immediate resumption of chest compression is proarrhythmic and leads to earlier recurrence of VF after first shock (Berdowski, 2010)

VF recurrence negatively associated with survival (van Alem, 2003)

Chest compressions

No correlation between chest height and max force required to compress chest (Beesems, 2015)

"Mechanical chest compression devices reduced interruptions in chest compressions and enabled defib during ongoing compressions without adversely affecting other resus process metrics" (Esibov, 2015)

Increased time in recurrent VF (but not initial VF) is associated with decreased survival (Berdowski, 2010)



Children require attenuating electrodes with adult biphasic AEDs for defibrillation (Berg, 2005)

Escalating attenuated adult biphasic dosage is at least as safe and effective as the standard weight-based monophasic dose for pediatric patients (Berg, 2004)

"Unattenuated adult-dose defibrillation results in a greater frequency of myocardial damage and worse postresuscitation myocardial function than pediatric doses in a swine model of prolonged out-of-hospital pediatric ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest" (Berg, 2008)

"The duration of nonshock pauses has as strong a negative association with survival as the duration of perishock pauses." (Brouwer, 2015)

Decrease in survival is associated with prolonged pre-shock pause but is NOT accompanied by decrease in VF termination (Brouwer, 2015)

"Our results show clearly that longer preshock pauses were not associated with lower VF termination rate" (Brouwer, 2015)

Electrode pads


Variations in pad placement can significantly affect defib shock efficacy but can be overcome with defib waveform and shock dosage (Esibov, 2016)


For transthoracic shocks, biphasic waveforms have a lower defib threshold than monophasic waveforms (Greene, 1995)

Adult defibrillation dosing may be harmful to pediatric patients with VF (Berg, 2005)

Airway management

Hansen, 2020