Chemical digestion- A type of digestion that involves breaking down large, insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble molecules using enzymes.
Cholera- A water-borne disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholera, the toxins of which secrete chloride ions into the small intestine causing severe diarrhoea and leading to dehydration.
Colon- The first section of the large intestine that reabsorbs water and bole salts from the waste material.
Constipation- A condition characterised by difficulty with defecation. This may be due to a diet lacking in fibre.
Coronary heart disease- A disease caused by the build-up of fatty deposits inside the coronary arteries, narrowing them and reducing blood flow to the heart tissue. It is as a result of a diet high in saturated fats.
Crown- The part of the tooth that is visible above gum level.
Dentine- A hard bony tissue underlying the enamel.
Diarrhoea- A condition in which loose, watery stools ar tested frequently. It is treated using oral rehydration therapy.
Duodenum- The first section of the small intestine which receives pancreatic juice for the chemical digestion of proteins, lipids and starch, and the neutralisation of stomach acid. it also receives bile from the gall bladder.
Egestion- The removal of undigested waste material as faeces from the body.
Enamel- The hard outer coating of the crown of the tooth.
Fats- A class of food that has a variety of roles in organisms including insulation, structure, protection of organs and energy storage. Animal fats are abundant in meat, milk, cheese and egg yolk. Plant fats are found as oils un fruits and seeds and are used to make margarine.
Fibre- A complex carbohydrate found in plant-based foods that provides bulk, softening the faeces and supporting regular bowel movements. A diet lacking in fibre may result in constipation.
Gall bladder- An organ that stores bile produced in the liver. It secretes bile into the duodenum via the bile duct.
Gastric juice- A digestive juice secreted from glands in the stomach lining that contains proteases for the chemical digestion of proteins to amino acids. Hydrochloric acid dissolved in gastric juice, forming a weak solution.