Human reproduction ( Chapter 11 )
Male reproductive System
Sperm Duct
A male productive organ that produces sperms and male sex hormones
A tube which transports sperms to the urethra
A tube which transports sperms and urine at different times ( only one at a time )
An organ which deposits sperms into the vagina of the female
Female reproductive System
Fallopian tube
A tube which collects the egg and carries it to the uterus
A muscular structure where the fetus develops during pregnancy
A female reproductive organ which produces eggs and female sex hormones
A muscular tube where sperms are deposited
Male body
- Voice box enlarges
- Voice becomes deeper
Growth of moustache , beard
Hair grows in the armpits , and on the chest and limbs
Reproductive organs
- Testes produce sperms and sex hormones
- Hair grows at pubic region
- Penis enlarges
Female body
- Breasts grows bigger
- Hair grows in the armpits
- Hips are broader and rounder
Reproductive Organs
- Ovaries release mature egg and sex hormones
- Hair grows at pubic region
- Menstruation begins
Although many sperm cells are released , only one sperm cell can fertilise the ovum
The menstrual Cycle
During puberty , girls begin to experience menstruation about once every 28 days