Evolution of Educational Thought

Ancient Education

Greek Pedagogical Thought

LAthenian children were homeschooled until they were six years old, age in
entering school.

Roman Education

At first Roman education was dominated by the family.

The Ideals of Jesus

The influence of Jesus on the pedagogical history of the West is enormous.

Origin of the Public School

The 18th and 19th centuries were the ones that closed the consolidation stage of the
education that now depended on the state

The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Scholastica and Universities

PTo appreciate the achievements of scholasticism in the thirteenth century, it is necessary to understand the intellectual currents that originated it.


The weak point of medieval education was its lack of interest in science

The weak point of medieval education was its lack of interest in science

The Pedagogical Ideals of the Renaissance

The Renaissance represents a new stage in human culture

Evaluation of Humanistic Education

The advantage of the new system lay in his enthusiasm for the classics. the ideal
classical represented a way of life based on moderation and enjoyment of this

The Renaissance and the Modern Age

Education and the Reformation (of Luther)

Martin Luther created a new concept of the
religion and education.

Current Education

Importance of New Science

From the intellectual point of view, modern civilization has been strongly conditioned by the development of science. In the Middle Ages, the main concern of man was the afterlife; nature itself inspired little

Operational Pedagogy

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school education has the mission of

ensure that the student learns all kinds of procedures that allow

learn on your own now and in the future.

Significant learning


The most important knowledge is the knowledge of oneself, it seems to be on the way to becoming one of the dominant concerns of school education today.

Adaptations to Social Reality

Like all human activities, with interests, not always convergent or explicit, school education, in addition to encountering the complexity of all individual and collective behavior, is subject to conditions of all kinds.